Force Orders 1946_29 X County Constabuiary Office, Chester. GENERAL ORDERs by ( ,.k.Bf W"'LL',0.,$r-. , C. Chief Coo sta61e of Cheshire.. No G3 Date L9t h November, iD4 YO B CI!CIIL'__FD TO nLL pFtiry; ^ ^- - O -L i ti. C'Î' 1c_ C l:.` ' C . Si.-.ú 5cie tific :,id 'to û t cticn. Forer_sic Boicoco ?, or tc p. Frill 1St Lecember, 1946, the ‚ 5e of th3 L a t.`^ a'i, « i.t Chester 7'.*111 b e d1v^c '1- ti+ ued a-nd aay material on which thp assistaace of . laboratory is requirnd will bi sent to Lhe North +Y 5t8 Forensic Jo1e?7.^, L9.bor[itor y , Jordan Street, ?rootin, [ele ho_:eN.. _r :uter.80k. t upoly of oort 'o •^s .-.b.L.1, -."5.._. 2 and 1ab71s are forwarded h r-,.,it-.. The E^port Form shcu1d be m ' cut correctly in du licaté.,ard both co,^.ies taken to t _7e Labor'tory at the same t1F ...,, the Itit° î.'-1 Lo vfhlch t !-ie'/ ref.r. The Le so m JC3:LvL' t '•, the 1*d.u .'.ai ßt ^a L'1-0or e 'f111. 1µ:*1 for 1':: on the _ rs-rerse orT'3001T, s ide oP the Form, sr.d ['io.e riö will be returned tc the _crr,econcerned,« 1 t the oopy i1.1be retained at ;:.eLaboratory. , Th rorson C .1.1°c ï: Ç. thc^ mflt'.'. r 1a 1 from the Lahorator'r after xa; d `-i i l. 11 reo•: i d to .c *u,rrledge receipt of in the aporopriate la.c on the reverso aid; cS :._., Fern. This will exonerate the Directer from any further resnonsitilit-} as C.rvs the m!-oïJ.e.1 referred to oY1 t! e Torm. ‚ ' Vhe first ool»»rn oa trc Yecpl,.t .side of the Fcrm F.S.L. 1.,:ioc.1& ' - used for ccn.s u' i cnumber of ar-uiclessont to the Laooratory. Tha seco;d colu i should 'ce uid for tho d scri _ L-i? of t o:.rci^1 s, axid if n ssibl8 the plaoo fron whioh the'; were obtained. "'ütr. regard to the third eclu _, each article sP:culd be äivan a reforonce letter, ec. 2o ci ' ut 1l and continuing through the a1*habet to Z. :Cx the c^so ^P fldfliti .wl i,rticl:: the r £ p,lco 1e ter sltould ée _,11 to.?Z.The reforonce letter will bo referred to i . tha ,ort of' examinatio of each article. Ir +;hefourth comm the exhibit*_umbercou be insorted if the ca38 is co itted fOr trlai• - Ce,tiruatic,,, Form F.S.L.2 should be used 'hea the nu*abc of articles exceeds the space previd d on the • eeipt side of ''or,3 F..L. 1• additional articles from the sana case are sor_t to thr. Labor?tory :t a later date, the or F.S.L.2 si;ould?' used. T,heconsocutivonumber sheuld coiiscnce o.t 1, but tY,e referenoo letter should continuo frein tho last ' ter usoù an the Form (s) previouslysubmi+ted, Additional surr lies of For s F.ô.L.1 and F.S.L, 2 will bc obtainable from thc -:,.dqU rt rs as a±d when requirod. ' It is m st imrortaat that the officer laboliho thn material s!-ou1 s thzt the ReferenceLott.srallottedto an article agrees the labil and F.S,1 ,o m. J( Th bt%t1o5 a t present Lo Divisions F111 be used t9 convey n' te lal to . ato and to oaahle 3. 5 p1 e'f tottlos to bo c t ^t each kt,':bion thu Officpr exhihits n bottles tc ;b li=.boratory ';ri11 obtain the seauc number of bottlas from the Laboratory to r 1•. t'r..os, t.kan by him. Bottles viill bo ko*'t .^.•1i " ^1:d Wi11 $o t b e u 6ed for 'A. ._ other ': P 5 • ' J etop?crs `:":u-.; be '. pt on the o"a;18s to ensura tha-u tho• c: c d-is':-proof. A1; Ilitil a furthor supply o£ collophano s hoots and onvo lonoc can to obta ir_ d, o h article taken to the ]:aboratory , which is cot in b ttlo v 11 be rap od a c1cac shoot of papor or .put in a clean envelope, ca •o baing tacen that oach articleis'sopar toand owuxotpossiblocontaminateany otherarticle. Eaoh articlowill bo proporly1abe11od. Sup' ri te dontswi11 bo responsiblufor docidingw ich articlos arc to bo 0db to the Laboratory . A cay wi11 bo used to convoy 1} at the earliost ovvortunity and an officor familiar v.dth the caso wi11 accompany thom. Tho Laboratory houro a a B a.m. to G p.m. an1 Saturday 9 a,an.. to 1 p.m. Tho 1)ircctordos r sthat advanconotico shouldbo givenof tic dclivoryo£ m-t e.lswhore poss blo. k specialoasosmatorialmay bo r000iveda£tcr Laboratoi'y hours, by arrengomont with tho Staff. Aftor Laboratoryhours,tolophoniccomm"nicationoshouldbo sentto tho ChiefConstablc,L c shiroCoo t ularyHoadquartors,iroston,TolephoneNo. ?i-oston 4811. Beforoarrangingthe dato of any pr000edings,includingcoomIttalprococdings, at w ioh oxportoviûcncofrom thv Laboratoryis requirod,it must bu accortainod fromthe Labor torywhothoror notrtho proposeddato is 'conveniont£or thatwitnoss to attend. '( sufficient copios of a pamphlet ontitlod"Brief S ?a ary Indicating tho ßango o£ Activitiesof the Laboratory"aro forwardodfor sauoto kictionalOfficos. Fat hologist. Arrangomontsare in hand for tho formationby the VoiceOfficoof cadro of iathologists. In duo coirsonotificationwi11 be issuodas to tho famOs of thosegontlomenaaidthe mothodof obtainingtholr sorvicos. In thc muantimo,Dr. Gracowi11 romainuvailablofor pathologicalwork when recuirod. Evoryoffortshouldbo madoto avoid callingin a pathologistwhon an examinationby a gonoralpraotieionorvrouldgivoa11 the informationrequired. F,sexamples,a generalpraoticionoris quitocapableof ox ing a girl or boy who allegossomo soxualoffonco; ho is also capabluof takingvaginaland . othorswabsfor submissionto tho ForensicScioncolaboratory.Tho distross causedto victimsof soxualcrud a t o thoir relativosis so oti inoro sed if thoy havoto submitto secondox mi t onby a pathologistaftor oxamination by their own dootor. 0n thu othcrhandthe examinationof corpsesis almostinvariablymoro suitably done by path logist than a gourai practictioner. , , c .. , -,.rt'V . \s —... Ch1ofConstableof Choshirc•