Force Orders 1946_28 X County Cons[a6ulary Office, Chestey. GENERAL ORDERS • 6y MR. G.E., H 2i;IELL» 0. B. E. , s. C. Chief Constable of Cheshire. No....2. .. Date29th bTOvem_ber, 1 94 5. TO SE CIRCOLITE D TO ALL R i.*. H$ OF T CHd llRE CO1tST BUL .RY. (a) 1 D vL 'ISTF TIVE O D3R5 TO TOE FORCE. (b) INSTRUCTIC?TCLDCGJ: Eïl S. 1. The prasent met'hodof issue of AdministrativeOrders to the .Forc9±5 by:- (a) ktandingOrders. ( ) General Ordera. . (c) Circular Kiemoraaida. ' (d) DivisionalOrders. Memorandato Super ntendo^ts.• TeleprinterNessages to Buperintendents(includingthe ;0 a.m. Conference). Superintendents ConferenceMinutes. e::ora dum to Sergeants on the Duties and Respcnsibilities of their Rank. 2. Due to the war end the overburdeningof clerical staffs these Orders have mounted up to a mass in which it is very difficultto find any referenceto any particular subject. Many of the Orders concernmatters of only temporary interest.Moreever, since the Foroe oame into existencethere has never been a comnrehensiveoverhaul ef ordere and instructions,so t here is to-day no safe guide as to what is and what is not current. ihe great volume o£ orders and instructionsissued during the war has further-increasedthe need for tidying-upand there is the additionalproble .t. of preparing sets of upto-date orders £or the men who wi11 be j in ng the Force on the forthcomingarnalgavation. I have consideredthe possibilitvof weoding out orders of valua from the rest, but have decidedthat this is not feasible. 3.. From 1st January, 1947 a new system of issue of Orders wi11 begin to onerata. From that date the on1y use that wi11 be made of Orders, in whatever form or of wh tever date, that were in force at midnight on 31st D ce a o ,1946 wi11 be as a refere_^-co for guidance on matters o£ official procedure such as arisQ in the course of norme.1 police wor1.'end about tvhichsome guidancemay have been issued in aome order or cther - for example,the Homa Office instructionson Aliens, Deserters,Broadcastsfor i/issing Persons, lssue of Railve.y Warrants to members of the Armed :'orces. For this reasor_ the Orders and oirculars&c. now filed in Station Officos, DivisionalOffices e.nd HeadquartersOffices will remain in the files but solely for referenco purpases. In - t he course of time any of them that are worth'keepingwi11 be repeated in the ner series until finallythere wi11 remain no administrativeorder in force that is dated. earlier than 1st January, 1947. 4. .:11of the AdministrativeOrders reforrod to in paragr :oh1 of this General Order and their folders that are now hald by individuals(as d st nct from thoso whose ordors are in tho Office files referrod to in paragraph 3) wi11 bo withdrawn forthsuith. Each momber of the Force, however,must keop his coo of the ?olice Regulationsand the amendmentsto them." üth reg&rd to instructionalmatter, a11 the InstructionalHomoranda, including the i onthly mora da" on the In estigation of Cr me and the Yearly Examination Questions and ?_odel l ers wi11 ba withdrawn forthwith frpm Offices and also from individualswith the followingoxceptions:- 1 kupertotendentsand Inepeotorawill keepthe HomeOff1o©Booklet"Notesfor the Guidanoeo£ Po13ceOfficersoa th DangerouzDrugaAot", but Instru tional Momo ndumNo. 14 itsolfwi11 be withdrawn. InetruotionalMamors.ndumNo. 11 dealingwith the Dieoaaeeof AnimaleAote and Orderswi11aomaiY ia 8tationOfPloo ed Did.sionalOfficiofilesfor the preeoat, but wi11 be withdrawnfrom 3ndivid ale. IIa . 1efoldorawi11 bo seatto Didsional Headquarterswhen they oan bo ueod For purpocosof filingtinro. Fbcoeptfor Instruot onalMemorandaNo•.9snd the sots of photographe1neuodwlth thom, a11 instru t on ,lmatterwi11 bo disposedof fo thwithas salvag . Suporintendontq wi11 mako the n000as ry rra ga te for this• 2f any of the paper can bo é-ue dthis shouldbe done. . A i eote of InstructionalMemorandaNo. 9 will be oollootodfrom Inspectorsand forwardedto Headquartors. Pbcooptfor thie Mamorandathon are sufficiontsate at Hoadquayterefor futuretrainingpurposee, 5. Th1snaturallyraisosthe questionof how momborsoE tho Forciaro to carry an with a11 past ordorerestrictedto use for nofironcoon1y. Tho matterwi11 bi ooverod in the following waye- (a) Evorymom o of tho Forcewi11 oontinuoto do his duty in acooxidanco vrith his origina2 declaration beforo tho C gi trato» andt}ioPolicoRogulat ons4 Arnangomontea e beingm du fq a oopy 6f tho lattorto bo issuodto qvorymomb N8f tho Fdi+ce' (b)Everymemborof tho Forciwi11 uso hia commonsonsoas to how much of the pro-19479;dorsand In truotionaho followsand with hic exp riencoo' thom ho wi11 approc3atetheir.usofu]nosafor the purposoof reference£or gu3dancoin day to day promblomsunti7. such tïmo as those that are uaeful oan be ropoatod in thc now sar os,. (c).2 the caseof statistihalreturns,noao will be sontto any higherofficounluss3t is confïrm dvorb llyby a Superintendent that such returnis sti11required, The superintendent'dli,. in case of douit,voi-ballyconsultthe Asaï tantChiefConstablo, 1Yhuroit is.docidodthat a particularstatisticalroturnis sti11 requirudordersto that effectw111 bi insortodin the noxt lssue of Weekly Ordere, . • , (d) In tho caso of inspections,chookingaf boata,inopictionsof housos &c,, nonowill be done unlessoonfirreodvorballyby a Superintondontthat such a checkor inspoctionis reqairod. In case of doubt,the Suporintendentvri11verballyconsulttho AssistantChiefConetablo. &h r it is decidedthat a particularinspoctionor chockis stil required,ordorsto that effectwiil bo insort din tho next iesuo of ëfoeklyOrders. 6: From 1st January,1947the on1yAdministrativeOrdorsthatwill bo iasuodwi11 bo the follacvings- . (1) 14EEKLYO E LS. A}i okly Order wi11 bo issuod from this Offico in quantitieseufficientfor ovorymdn in the Forceto reco 'voa copy. It wi11 containin Part I notificationof appointments,promotions,discharges,- rotiremonts,grantof incroments,grantof allowencos,transfors,itorations of pay ratosend all mattorsrelatingto the intornaleconomyof tho Forco, so makingtho IfeoklyOrderthe authorityfor cntriee1n officialrecordaaxd for mattera of pay , u d allawano e, ; . P t ÎI o£ t he WeeklyOrdorwill containsuchadm nistrativoinatructionoas are ruquirodfrom t3me to time. YfeeklfOrdorswi11 be printad. Tho pages v .11bo numborodconaecutivelyt hroughoutho year, A suitablofoldcrwi11 be issuodto everymemberof tho Forco..At the expirati.onof oachyear anf of thu Wookly Orders issuod during that yoar that ero deumod worthy of p nmanen ewi11 o„i aorporatodinto a PermanentOrder. In this way o c yoar Waekly Ordorswi11 bo systematicallyc1e,arudout at the c d of that (• s. (1.)WEEKLYOBDERk.(contkued)..' ye . Auy materialvrarthpreservingwill be preeeried. The restwi11 go. 0n1y at Headquartersw111 a completeset be kept. Thatwi11 be boundandwi11 form part of Veadquarterspermanentreoorde. . • (2) FERt4 NIE NTORDERS. Thesewi11 dealwith matterso£ a permonentnature,•suoh as policy,organisation,ruleso£ conduct,permanentinstructions.Thoy can be comparedto.theproeentStandingOrders. When a PermanentOrderis issued fromthis Officoquantitiesauff o mtfor everyman k tho Forcoto receive copyw111 be seat. Theso RermanentOrderswi11 be printed. Theywi11 be numberodconsequtivolyand w311 be issuodin such a form as w11Z permitof replacementby sheetsshouldeubsequentrevisionor amendmentmakethis necessary. When they have b000mesufficientlynumerousan indexwi11 be preparedand issued. Thiswill be replaoedby an up-to-dateone from timeto _ time. In due couree,a suitablefolderfor thesePermanentOrderswi11 be issuodto everymomberof the Fbrce. --(3) BdEBd R IdDATO SUYERINTENDENTS.speaific instructions to Superintendénts which c*ocero.them only'dli be issuedaa Memorandato Superintendent .Theÿ wi11 be aumberedconseoutivolythroughoubthe year. They will deal with routinemattersthat otherwisewouldhave to be dealtwith in the form of a letterto elch superintendentaad will deal wi.thnothingthat callsfor reoirculationfrom DivisionalOfficesto lowerlevels. Tho examples - Instructionsaboutthe preparationof returns,requestafor inform tionfrom DivisionalOfficee,mstteretha-:are purelydepart ntaland do not ooncernxuooibersof the ForceoutsideHeadquartersend Divisional Offices. TheseMemorandawi11 not be printed. They wi11 bo weededout at eadouartoraat the end of eachyear and a list and an indexfor a11 of them that are currenton that date (includingoay £or earlieryears)wi11 be issued. ln this way aystemati i eeding-o tprooeasw111 operatewhichwi11 ensure that DivisionalOfficq t ésclea edoP out-of-datematerial. A completesot will be retainedat Headquartersae part of the Forcepermaaentrecords• The set wi11 be bound. 7. No orderof goneralapplicationwI11 be issuedfromthese Headquarterson axy aatte . •wh tever other thaa k the maamer above stated, 1.e. by 1qEEIÜ,YORDER, by PSRM4NENTORDER,or by a MEMORANDU6STO SUi'ERINTENDENTS. Ch1ef Conetibleof Cheehire. - g c