Force Orders 1946_26 X GENERAL QRDERS - by G. B.; L C. Chief Constabie ot Cheshire. No 26. County Con a6ula y Office,.. Chester. Date 9bh No ember,1946. TO BE CIRCUI.4TEDTO ALL &4 BB . OF ThE C ESHIRE CONBTABUL/iRY. FIIÓT :ID ^LA 171d1 TI0 lS. Referringto GeneralO d'e No. 26 dated25th2,ïaroh,1936,owingto the exige c e o£ the kervice,a11 lecturesin FirstAid to membersof the Canstabulary wi11 be suspendedfrom this date untiithe 31stDecember,1947,except3n caaea whore membersare already ttendingolasses,3 which caaetheymqy continuethe Course. . y^ There may be oaae wher.ea Conetablewi11 findthat his FirstAid Certificate w111 not rank as a qualificationtowardsotherFirstAid qualifications,such as Seco dYear Voucheror Medallion. In the eventof such Certificatebeing questioned ae part of a qualificationtowardsVouchersor ?&edallione,fu11 particularswi11 be reportedto the Chief Constable,so that he can take the matterup with the St. John .Anibulance Aaaociat on.J Belowis a copy of a NoticefYomthe ChiefSecretaryof the St. JokmAmbulance Aseociationupom this subjeot. X cOFx. The St. JohnAmbulance Aseociation, The Ambulance Conunittee o£ the Order of St. John h s decided that First Aid Certificateswhich are issued in reapect of examinationsheld af6er the 1st January, 1946, sha11 cease to va11d at the end of £ years from the date o£ issue,'exid t he followingwording wi11 accordinglyapDear 9.nfuture on a11 such Cert ficates.; "Tlalessthe holder of this First Aid Certificateis re-examinedwithil five years of the daté'thoroo ,theCertificatewi11 not -beacceptod by the St. John AmbulanceAssociationaa part qualificationtowsrds its Voucher oribs Medallion,nor wi11 it be recognizedby the St. John Ambulance Brigade for admiesionto memberehip of the Br;igade." The Ambulance Co ittoohas further decided that tho d cisionto plaoe a "Lif " of five years on the validity of the First Aid Certificate6h 1. also apply+, after 1st Ju1y5 1947 to Firet Aid Certificatosalready in circulationexcept in the case of those persons who, having gained First Aid Cortificatosehortly before or shortly aftor the outbreak of war, wora provontod bv roason of their war service fron presentingthemselvesfor re-examinationin First Aid during t h period 3rd keptomber, 1939 to 31st Docember, 1945, or during tha peri.odof their war service. In their case the period of thoir we.r service 'Iii not be included in the limit of five years. St. John's Gate, ( d)., ' Cahusac,. Ciorkenwell,, E, C.1.. Jenu ry,1946. Chiaf Secretary. .y , (SGD).. G.E.BiNVr'ELL. Chief Conetableo£ Cheèhire. DRAFT. GINERALORDER. No. Date. 9th Novamber,1946, F1RST AID E AMINATIöNS. Referringto GeneralOrderNo. 26 dated25thMarch,1986,owingto the exigenciesof the Service,a11 lectureein FirstAid to membereof the Constabulary wi11 be suependedfrom this dateuutilthe ttlstDecember,1947,eaceptin caees wheremembersare alreadyattendingclae ee,in which oaee they may cont3nuethe Couree. Theremay be caaeawherea Constablewi11 find that his FiretAid Certifloate wi11 not rank ae a.qual £ catio towardsotherFIrstQid Qualificatiqos,euchae SecondYearVoucheror Medallion. In the eventof euoh Certificatebe3ngqueetioned as part o£ a qualificationtowardeVouchersor Medallions£u11 particularswi11 be reportedto the ChiefConstable,so thathe can takethe matterup with the St. John AmbulanceAeeociation. . Be1owis a copy o£ a Notice£rom the ChiefSeoretaryof the St. John imbulaace Associ¢tionupon this subject. . (TSBNCOPY OF NOTICE). ChiefConstable.