Force Orders 1946_24 X No. 24 Utli October,'1946. TO BE CIR^. K.ATED TO ALL RA1i S OF TBE CHESHIB CONSTABi]1ARY• BICYCLES. :4eferrirgto GenoralOrders Noe. 10, dated 286h Jenuary, 1936 and 19, dated Sth June, 1943, tY.f Standir.g Joint Co*amittee at a meetingheld on the 13th Apri11 1946, resolvedthat the llowence for Sergeantsend Constableswho regularlyuae their own bicycleson Policeduty be increasedas follows. Eome Office approvalie containedin letterNo. 825,102/14 dated 96h September, 1946. P.eturnewi11 be renderedto this Office as directedin General Order No. 10.%1936.. Tha increasewi11 take effect from 1st October, 1946. P,ura1Districte- Sergeantsand Constables- £5. 4, Od, a year. Boroughsand UrbanDistricta - Sergeantsand Constables- 5d. per four hours o c1ed,with an over!"ridinangd weekly maximum of 3d, and an over-ridingyearly maximum of £5. 4.0. a year. Chief Constable of Cheshire. r t a