Force Orders 1946_23 X TC BE CIRCIILATEDTC ALL R NKS. No. 23. 25th Septeaber, 1946. CHIEF CCNSTABLEI5 FIBEV!ELLMESSAGE. IIevenyearsago when I was appointedChiefConstableof Cheshire 2 felt very proudof the appoixrknentfor the Forcehad alwaysborne sucha high and, as I found,a we11 deservedreputationfor professionalefficiency. Duringmy termo£ office2 haveneverhad the slightestcauseto doubtthe 1oyaltyand efficiencyof the Force. Much as I wouldhave liked to do so I have not been a .e to bid you farewellin person. The ordealwouldhave been too greatbut I know that you will understand. " ` Now that the timehas come for me to bid you Good—byeit is not of your eft`iciency I wish to vrrite. It is o£ your unfailing 1oyalty and friendship.2n the courseof the past elevenyeara2 havebeen privileged to know one of you and to meet your wives and familiea and to visit your homes. Perhaps it was on1y to be expected that men who were ab1e to maintain so high a professionalstandardas you were shouldhave an equallyhigh standardin yourhomes and privatelives. Be that as it may I will takewith me into my retir eut prcud and grateful me _ories of my aasociation with the CheshireConstabulary,men who possessedto sucha markeddegreethe finest qualitiesof cit zenshipami of manhoodand who were blessed,and deservedly so, with good wivesand happy homes. 2 wish to placeon recordmy gratefulappreciationof the ó kof the AssistantChiefConstable.S1ncehia appointmentMr. Hendersonhas show evenmore markedlythan he did as superintendenthow wide ie his professional knowledge,how deepis his humanunderetandinóand how greatis his interest in the personal welfare of t_he mm. I know that the high traditionsof the Forceand the calibreof the personnel will smooth the path of my successor as they did for me and for my predecessors. My regret at parting from you is tempered by the fact that I know your new ChiefConstablewill alwayemake your interestsand your . happinesshis firstconcern. In biddingyou farewellI wish to thankyou and your wives and familiesfor your 1oya1 supportand friendshipduringmy term of office. May God blessyou all. - ChiefConstableof Cheshire.