Force Orders 1946_19 X . No. 19. 10th September,1946. TO BE C2RCCIATEDTO ALL RA1VH5. The ChiéfConstablehas noticedthat a goodnumber_of yoùngOfficersare resign ngfromthe PoliceForoe. If a youngmaa lmowsthat he can betterhis positionin the hitureby so doing,he is wiseto do so. The questionis - can he7 The PoliceService gives securityof tenure,the openmarketdoesnot. The emoluments of the Pol.iceService- freehousa,medicalattendance,leave, clothingand allowancesare a11 mattersof value,particularlythe pensionrights. In lifethe wise mea takesthe long view, and triesto weigh up what wi11 be his positionin thirtyyearstime. A simple creditand balenceaccountwould,the ChiefConstablefeelssure, convincethe ordinaryyoungman that the allurementsof the open market,thoughattractiveat the present,do not comparefavourably with the PoliceServicewhen the longview ie taken. Thereara alsotwo othermatterawhich arewe11 worthy of consideration. The presentwage of the agriculturallaboureria at ouch, a standardthat it seemslikelythat policepay we11 may be .increased. This is not a certaintybut a possibilitythat shouldbe borne ia mind. . 1l rther,the largeincreasein populationin Cheshire makes it certainthat thereis boundto be an increaeein pereonne1, whichmeans an increasein ranksand brighterchancesof promotion. The amalgemationswi11 have the sanieadvantages. The ChiefConstableurgea a11 thosewho are feeling restlessaad consideringleavingthe PoliceService,tovery carefully weigh up the pros and cons and not to take such a momentousstep ithoutlong consideration. Theywould be we11 advisedto discuss the matterwith othere,for a friendcan ofteaeee drawbackswhichthe interestedpartyhas failedto notice. Chief ConstableoP Cheshire.