Force Orders 1946_18 X • n TO BE C RCQLATEDTO DIVISIONAL No.18. ANDkTATION OFFICES: • - • : • 5th September, 1946. QBALIFY2NGE%AMINATIONFlIRPBpMOT20NTO THERANKOF SEBGEANT. The followingConstableswhoeenames appear hereunderin alphabetical orderwere successfulin passingthe qualifyingexaminationforpromotionto the renkof Sergeaatwhichwaeheldoa the13thJu1y, 1946:— No. 70 R.H.Beech. Ao. 88 M.J. Carter. No.483 G. . Clarksoa. No. 73 E.P.Davenport. No. 3) $ J. Ha1sa11. No.734 H. Jones. No.680H. 3ones. No.135 T.B.Leonard. No.465 F. Parker. No .625 R. Reid. No.713 J.A. Wilkinson. In accordancewlthRegulation31 o£ thePoliceRegulations,1920, a record of suchpassingill],be made3n therecordsof thoseconcerned. All othercendidateewho presentedthemselvesfailedin thie examinatioa.An entryto this effectwill be madein theirrecords5f accordance withthePolice Regulations.All thosewho failedare ineligibleto sitfor anotherpromotionexaminationfortwalvemonthsafterthedateoY thia examinatioa. Thepapersdon e were goodandindicatethatall,candidateshave benefitedfromtheinstxuctionwhichtheyhave received. Thosewhohave paesed the examinationmustnot ralaxtheirefforts to maintainand increaaetheirknowledge. ChiefCoastableof Cheehire. ,. <