Force Orders 1946_15 X TO BE CIRC ATEDTO D2VISIONALAND STATIONOFFICE . No.15, 3rd Ju1y,1946. u. aEep .0. $1IAb tyPeR PATROLS Frira 15th J-1y, 194&, hotor Patrols i11 or in accordanoe with the follo inginstructions : COP?TROL, The Cour.tywi11 be divide3 irto two Sect ons,as foflmvs : S' ction "A° J ,/ f In ch . 6e of an Inspector at Hoo1e, v'ko wi11 s msr *is fd,ctor Pûtrols t:.e YJirral, Proxton Crewe and Rur,corn Divisionc. He wi11 be assisted by S rgea_nt& statioae3 at Erom orovgh arid Crewe. Section "H„ In charge o° eaiInspectorat Iltrinchan,who wi11 superviseMotor Patrols ittthe Altrinchsm,Northwich,Dukinfield and laiclesfieldDivisions, He wi11 be assis+ed b•* Sergoants stationed at Altriocham, Northwich and Wi1^ 1ow. •A11 lotor Patrols will be under the orders of Superintendentsof Divisions. Superintendentss ould utilise their services to the best advantage in the control and s pervis onof traf£ie, the prevention of accidents,and the prnm t;,cn of ro'd oaf . T} ere should be the closest co-operation between Sup r ntende +sof Divi.sionsan3 the Superi.ntendentof +..heRoad Traffic Departrrtent at Hoad Quarters, DUIY SCALSS Scalo wi11 bi prepared monthly, on a four weeks rota, by 3 >perintc de tsin conjunctionwith the Inspectorsof lotir Patrols. A copy of the Scales wi11 be s ^.ïttedto the Chief Constable so as to e.rri^3't O te by the 25tn o° ninth. D v at o from th' Scales will be as req.ired by Super nt nde ts, cfr.o wi11, of nourse, rotif,;2nspectorsor Sergeantsof Lbtor Patrols of any dev . -Fio^, A woa.cly Votur'i of deviations from scales vd11 be kept by Inspectors oS lotir Patrcls. ATTEi A"_! AT CCtiRT$, ETC. Those will bo arrange3by Superintendentsin conjun3t3onwith Inspectorsof ilotorPatr.ols. CO TF,YA??CEOF LETTERS AND PAR+IELS No deviationof lotor Patrols to deliver letters, parcels, etc•, is to be permitted exxept hy the ezpreas approva1 of +.he kuperintendent of t} e Divlsion, but letters r.rdparcels a.ybP deliveredor collected in the ordinary course of patrol duties. S ui-.oaseswi11 not be served by motor patrols, , It wi11 be appreciatedthe less extraneousduties are performed by motor patrols tho ett©r in the i^terestsof road safety. -1- "QTORPATP.OL and other COIINTY-UMEED 'iICLES j The z ten ice, 1 c si g, insurance5etc., oi rotor patrol and other County-ovmedvehiclesw i11 ba carried out by the Chief Inspeotor,TMotor Patrol Deoartrent, Crewe, who vti11-be respoflsible for this wcrk to the Cbiof Corstable throu'-h the Super nten antof the Road Traffic at Kead Quarters ihe Chief Inspectorwi11 nake any necess sy arts g t in cornaotion with this vrork throug.z the kuporinteident at ?Îead Qnarters. Sergees ts of Motor Patrol aections w'_11 be resnonsible for seeir that, a11 "oto natrol vehicles are kent in a t_.oroughlf cle x sd road -wort'. y condition. 1 is responsibility ^çluaes cleanliness,periodical serv;cing, oi1 chang g,notificationof de°ects ana repairs requir ed, and the clea l3" ss snd tidin ss of gara s. It also includesthe responsibilityfor 1og books e 1 o',4errecords o aire to be keot in respectof ^otor,ne.trolvehiclos. T., 2 sne tors o° the !otor Patrol Sections wi11 supervise this worY. tto+,or Patrol Sergeants wi11 add a certificate on Form .?.3, rel.ting to *otor patrol vehiclee as Sullows each onth :- °I certi`4f that the abova vonicle has been i . ntai" ed in a clean and roadworthy condition durirg the month of Si rature C..iaf Constable. CySTf, .. 3rd Ju11•, 1946.