Force Orders 1946_14 X TO BE CIRCUI TEDTO D ISIONA L AND STATION OFFICES. GENERAL ORDER N0. 14. J .21etJune1946. PHOMOTIONS. The followingpromotionawi11take effectfrom23rd.Juae,1946,any necessary transferswi11 takeplaceon datesto be notifiedk DivisionalOrders:- InspectorFrederickJamesPAPWORTV,Headquarters,to be Chie£Inspector of the MotorPatrolat £500a yaar. No. 294,SergeantThomasH L9LETTN,orthwichDivision,to be Inspector at £415 a year and to be employedon MotorPatrolduties. No. 157,SergeantAlbertDAVIES,RancornDivision»to be Inspeotorrat £415 a yearand to be aaployedon MotorPatrolduties. No. 532,ConstableWalterRowlandCARTLIDGE,BroxtonDivision,to be Sergeantat £6. 8. 0 a weekand to ba employedas AccidentOffioerfor the RuncornDivision. No. 8, ConstableCharlesWilliamTUSHINGHAM,CreweDivieion,to be Sergeant(viceSergeantHamlettpromoted)at £6. 8. 0 a week end to be employedon Motor.Patroldutiee. No. 288,ConstableThomasgeoffray CHESTERS,BroxtoaDivision,to be Sergeant(viceSergeantDaviespromoted)at £6. 8. 0 a weekand to be employedon MotorPatroldutlee. No. 208,ConstableJohnEr1cBAIRDS,WirelessSection,Headquarteitso, be Sergeent(v1ceNo. 285,SergeantHunt retired)at £6. 8. 0 a week. ‚ Nc. 155,ConstablaCyri1Jsn:eaBARTLBY,ldotorPatrolGarage,Headquarters, to be Sergeant(viceSergeantPrestonretlred)at £6. 8. 0 a week. ChiefConstableof Cheshire.