Force Orders 1946_12 X TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL No. 12. HEADQUARTER.4ANDSTATIONON'r'10ES. 14th May, 1946. PI 7IV10TI0NS. The follo ingpromotionswill take effectfrom 26thMay, 1946 :- No. 253 ConstableVenryJames Brosterto be sergeantat £6.8.0 a week, an d to b e e nployed as Accident Officer for the VPirral mvi sion. No. 305 ConstableThomasA1ec Evana to be Sergeantat £6.8.0 a week, and to be enployedas Accid tOfficerfor the DukinfieldDivlsion. v id cl .- ChiefConstableof Cheehire. •