Force Orders 1946_09 X TO BE CIRCULAT DTO DIVIS2 NAL No. HEADQ,UARTBRSAND STATI NOFFICES. 2nd Apri1 1946. QUALIFY2NGE M2NATI0Nfor PRO dOTIONto the Rank of SERGEANT. The fo11ow3ngConstableswhosecannesappearhereunderin alphabetioalorder were suocesaftiin pasaingtha qualifyingexaminationfor promotionto the rank of Sergeanton the datesabovetheirnames :- Saturdey5th January1946. No. 251 R. Ambler. No. 754 No. 517 J. Blackwell. No. 640 No. 771 S.J.Bronmfield.No. 728 No. 256 J.A.Berry. No. 41 No. 134 N. Bentham. No. 756 No. 412 C. Bentley. No. 781 No. $04 R. Barley. No. 247 No. 3 W. Carter. No. 286 No. 749 W. Dickson. No. 670 No. 634 G.M.Darlington.No. 470 No. 92 G.B.Gray. No. 773 No. 626 J.K.K.WIute. N.A.Galt. R.E.Gadd. H. Goalding. F. Harper. W. Jeseop. A. Kendriok. H.V.Lowe. L. Lee. F. Love11. A.E. do ri . T . G. Ni 1] a . No. 719 T No. 735 J.W.Maeon. No. 129 T.E. GcGurren. No. 385 P.E.Niblock. No, 706 F.A.Roberteon. No. 627 J. Rusaell. No. 747 J.A.Smith. No. 718 T.A.smith. No. 395 J. 51aw. No. 425 G.E.TilUng. No. 652 . Whalley. No. 201W.J.Woolley. .W.Welch. . 5aturday 2nd Febxuary 1946. No. 611 J.ft.Baume. No. 111 J. Blenkharn. No. 555 E. Brindle. No. 458 JZC.Bror n.. No. 593 J.A.Blackledge. No. 779 E. Ohesters, No. 193 A.S.G.Carter. Ni. 147 J.E.C1are. No. 447 J. Collinsoa. No. 711 E.M.Fau]jcney. No. 340 No. 731 Ho. 100 No. 333 No, 751 No. 637 No. 662 No. 493 No. 58$ No. 96 F.J. Ge . A.E.Gaultoa. E. Green. F.H.Jackson. J.J.Jackson. A. Lawcock. G.C.Moaeth r. T .P.R. dorris . A.E.Mort. E.G. áther. No. 473 J. Peanington. No. 700 E.C.Pooley. No. 638 T. Rlmmer. No. 666 J. Roas. No. 330 A. 5tsnfield. No. 596 R. Talbot. No. 710 E. Voaa. No. 26 R.G.Willirns. No. 737 C. Woodcock. No. 127 J.K.Wa1ker. Saturdqy9th Maroh 1946. No. 445 L.F.Arnold. No. 192 No, 739 J.J.Bebbington.No. $62 No. 693 J. Foster. No. 169 No. 436 T.A,Gibeon. No, 215 No, 725 G.K.Gral'am. No. 566 No. 170W.B.Hart. No, 553 No. 576 J. Teylor. R. Hilton. A.B.Harrop, W. 1imes. A. .Jo ee. J.H.Ke11y. E. h phy. No. 227 F. No. 54 $.C.Norbury. No. 572 D.E.Pege. No. 780 T.R.Radley. No. 707 R. Robertson. No. 746 P.J.Say1e. No. 602 D.W,khiinmin. Wood. In aocordenoew3th Regalation31 of the PoliceRegulationa,1920,a recordof suahpassingwi11 be made in th® recordsof those oonoerned. A11 othercandidateswho presentedthemselvesfailedin thése examinations. A entryto thle effectwi11 be made in their recordsin accordancew1t}ithe PolioeRegulations. A11 thoeewho failedare ineligibleto sit for eaother examinationfor twelvemonthsafterthe dates of these eaamination . The papersdone were goodand 3ndicatethat a11 ooncernedhave benefited fromthe in tn ctionwhichthey have received. Thosewho have pae3edthe examinationaa etnot re1axtheireflortsto maintalnand increasetheirknowledge. . / C ' ChiefConstableof Cheahire.