X TO?BECIRCDLATEDTO DIVISIONAL No. 7. AND STP.TIONOFFICES. . 18th March,1946. SPECIALCONSTABIILARYLONGSERVICEMEDALANDBAR. Ref.H.O.L.825,108,3,dated7.3.46. The ChiefConstablehas much pleasurein announcingthatHis Majesty the King has approvedthe awardof the SpecialConstabularyLong Service Meda1 to 44 members,ofthe Speci.alConstabulary,a the awardof the Bar to 1 m er of the Special Conetabulary. The names of those to vk om the Meda1 end Bar have been awardedare shownhereunder. - . The Medaleand Bar wifl be iesuedin due aourse,but a11 Speclal Constablesv ohave been awardedthe Meda1 or Bar are authorisedto wear the ribbon. The ribbonswi11 be presentedby the ChiefConstableto all SpecialConstablesiho have been awardedthe Meda1or Bar at Divisional Paradeswhichwi11 be held in the near future. The ChiefConstablecoagratulatesa11 thoseSpecislConstableswho have been awardedthe Meda1or Bay. The Meda1 wi11 be worn afterDecorations,War Medals,Iadian GeneralServiceMeda1,Jubilee,Coronationand DurbarMeda1s,Long Service and Good ConductMedals,MeritoriousServiceMeda1,TerritorialDecoretion and TerritorialEfficiencyMeda1. , . ChiefConstableof Cheshire. BHOXTONDIVISION. . 201 ISc-Const.Ashley,H.A. 01 ConstableEL1is,F.H. 174 ConstableKeys, W.J. 348"Sunter, N.C. NORTIWICI DIVISION. 402 ConstableBaddeley,P. 469 Vutchinson, W.B. 140"Rance, T. 6p3IfWinkle, . 441Ex-Conet.Ackroyd,J. 438 " Buchan,3.1. 487 ConstableJackson,W. RIINCORNDIVISION. 199 Ex-Const.Jones,I.L. 1181ConstableWeeton,J. WIRRALDIVISION. 259 ConstableBerry,A.G. 385 Ex-Const.Brooks,R.L. 651 . C >>ister,R. 490ConstableDatton,J.C. 279 " Fraser,J.S. 272 " Hinds, G.R. 234 ". biser, C. 212 " Savage,F. 325 Ex-Const.Whitelaw,G.H. 663 ' Wright,R.R. DIIK2NFIELDDIVISION. 215 ConstableMeek,E. 644 E -Const.Tay1or,T. 897 ConstableDickinson,A.S.(Bar). MACCLESFIELDIVISION. 409 ConstableDrewitt,W.H. 195 " , Lomas,F. 135 " Sheard, W. 200 " Williams,L.J.N. 672Ex-Conat.Worthington,J. (deceaaed ALTRINCHAMDIVISION. 80 Ex-Const.Bamber,L.J. 11 Act/Sgt. Be11,H.G. 59 Ex-Const.Dowdell,R.W. 231 ConstableKnowles,C. 659 " Midgley, D. 542 " Mitchell,J. 662 Ex-Const.Nicholas,J.R. 258 " Nutt,A.M.R. 686ConstableParker,J.B. 176 Ex-Const.Pratt,A.L. 346 SergeantRichman,E. 695 Ex-Coost. Stansfield, W.V. 230ConstableVance,W.G.C. 82 Ex-Const.Wi iems,J. CREWEDIVISION.