Force Orders 1946_06 X TO BE C2RCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL AND STATION OFFICES. No. 6. 1st February,1946. PROPERTYCOMINGINTO POsSESSIONOF THE POLICE. When proparty is handed to a Constablehe wi11 at once enter detaile of it in his notebook. A receiptmust invariablybe obtainedbefore he disposes of the property. There may be cases where property remains 1n the possessionof a Constable for on1y a short time. For instance,an article is handed to a Constable on point duty and is claimed alaost immediatelyafterwards. There is nothing to preventa Constable,once he ia eatisfiedthat the claimant is the rightful oe er,from haading over the article and getting a receipt for it in his notebook. Tha ordinaryreceipt form can be signed later and attached to the fi1e. This is quite a simple matter. Recently there have been caaes where property has been handed to a Constable,who has made no entry o£ the fact in his notebook, and has obtainedno receipt when the propertywas handed over to the alaimant. The seriouenessoP this whera there is a dispute o£ the ovner hip,and where there is no reoord by the Constable of the name and address of the peraon to whom the propertywas handed over neede no comment. The rule about property is simple, but in the interestsof the Polioe Force it must be rigidly enforced. Details must be at once recorded in the notebook. Upon being claimed the Constablemust satisfyhimself that the claimantis the owner, and a receiptmust always be obtainedbefore the propertyia handed over. Th1s can be done by getting the person to sign the notebook if the alaim is made be£ore the property is the Police Statiozt,the proper receipt form being subsequentlyobtained. 2£ the property is taken to the Police Station no difficultywi11 arise about getting the proper receipt Form signed. If there is any doubt in the Canstable'smind as to the claimant's right to the p?operty,the claimant shauld be requestedto attend at the Police Station. Chief Constable of Cheshire.