Force Orders 1946_02 X TJ BE CIRCOLATETDO DIVI5ION AL HEADQUARTERANBD STATIOONFFICES'. No. 2. 24thJanuary,1946. AWARDS BY H.M.THE KING. The Ch1efConstableis pleaaedto aonounceto the Forcethat H1s MajestyTheKinghas beengraciouslypleaaedto approvethe awardof the BritishEnpireMeda1 (Civ11Division)on 1st January,1946 to the undermentioned for servicesin Civi1Defence:— ChiefInepectorJackRowlandPotter. No. 515 5ergeantWi ia Rogers. (Authority8ixth5upplementdated 9th January,...1o9P46theLondon Gazettedated28thDecez'ber1,945) The ChiefConstablecongratulates the rec3pi tson this well—deserved recognitiono£ theirservices. dL. ChiefConstableof Cheshire.