Force Orders 1946_01 X su al o G.o. 3lab. x TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL No. 1. HEADQUARTER ANDSTATIONOr'r'10ES. 2nd January,1946. ...- QUALI ^IINGEXAh1INATIONBOR PHOMOTION TO THE RANK OF SERGEANT. The followingconstableswhosenames appearhereunderin alphabetical order were successfulin passingthe qualifyingexaminationfor prosotionto the rank of Sergeantwhichwas held on the 1st December,1945. No. 635 H.C. netts. No. 751R.G. Brough. No. 158 T. Ciewes. No. 620 H.M. F1der. , No. 753 . 1y No. 709 W.J. 1{olywell. No. 180 N.S. Jonea. No. 489 F.G.Orton. No. 687 W.B.Mapp. No. 482 J. Macintosh. No. 764 D.T. Roberts. No. 688 T.D. Ryan. No. 714 C.S. Sutoliffe. In accordancëwith Regulation31 of thePoliceRegalationa,1920, a recordof suchpassingwi11 be made in the recordsof thöaeconcerned. All other candidateswho presentedthemselvesfailedin this examination. An entryto this effectwi11 be made in theirrecordsin accordancewith the PoliceRegulatione.All thosewho failedare ineligibleto sit for snother promotionexamination£or twelvemonthsafterthe dateof thüsex mination. The papersdonewere good and indicatethata11 candidateshave benefitedfrom the instructionwhichtheyhave received. Thosewho have passedthe examinationmust not re1axtheirefforts• to maintainand increasetheirbiowledge. c /