Force Orders 1945_37 X N0. 37. 20th December,1945. TO HE C2RCULATEDTO qLL RBNI{S OF THE CHESHIRECONSTAB LARY. I wish a11 memberso£ the CheshlreConstabularyand theirfamilies the $eason'sGreetings. Thankyou a11 for your 1oya1and willinghalp and for your unselfieh devotionto duty, especiallyduringthe difficultyears of war. I feel sureyou wi11 a11 be pleasedto know that a Christmasgift o£ one poundhas baen senton your behalffrom youi ProvidentFSzadto eachwidowmemberas a ema11token of remembrance. I hope that thoseof you who are coacernedwith the organisation o£ the Chlldren'eChristmasPartleew111 work hard again thisyear to make thema euccees. . ' To thoseö£ you who have lostyour 1ovedonesI sendm,ysincere sympathy. May the memoriesof the happyyears theywere with you help to comfortyou in your 1onelymoments. Rememberthat God gave us memoriesthatwe mighthave roses ia December. TwentyConstablesaud two PoliceVessengers'have losttheir livesin thewar. For thosetweaty-two,who wi11 be ia the heartsand memories of a11 of us forever,thereis no more fittingepitaphthan the words of Fie1d Marshal Montgomery:- "I would ask you a11 to rememberthose of our oomrades who fe11 in the struggle. They gave their livesthat othersmighthave freedom,aad no man can do more than that. I believethatHe would say to each one o£ them "Weildone,thou good and faithfulservant"." .,' tC/! , ChiefConstableoP Cheshire.