Force Orders 1945_36 X r TO HE CIRCUTATEDTO ALL RANBS No. 36. OF L SHIRECONSTABULARY. 19th.Deaember,1945. Ia a recentcase 3n the Countya ConstablefoundGilbert 9ILLIGA1d, a we11 laiownhousebreakerin the aot of committingburglary.He seoured the prismer, searahedh3m, aroasedthe ocoupi®rof the premises,took h1m insldethe premiseewhere he removedhis braceaaad uadidthe top of. his trousers. He endeavouredto handouffthe priaonerbut foundthat the ha daoîfswere too smallfor the prisonar*swriet. IIpto thie point the Conetablebehavedin a v®ry iatelligentmanaer,but then,although he realisedthat hie prisonerwas one who shouldbe handouffed,having h1s bioyolewith him, and the prisonerbeing 3a possessionof a bicycle whioh he had previouslystolen,the conetabledeoidedto xalk the priaoner a distaaoeof 3 mileato the Po11ce5tatloa. The Coastablewas wheeling his own b3cyole,and the prisonarwheelingthe stolenone,with the toiforturateresultthat,afterhavingwalkeda shortdiatanoe,the prisoaergave the oonetablea push, jumpadon his bicycleand rode away. Th® pr®oautionof hav3ngremovedhie braceswae négativedbÿ allowinghim to have poseeeaionof the bioyole. The RR iefConstabledirectsthat a coaatablewill not, whea either takinga prieonerintooustodyto a PoliceStation,or oonveyinghim froma PoliceStationto prisonor otherplace of detentioa,have with h1m kiisbiaycle,or permitthe prisonerto have a bioycle,whetherit is his owa propertyor not. ChiefConstableof Cheehire.