Force Orders 1945_35 X TO BE CIRCIIIATETDO ALL RANRS No. 85. OF THE CHBSHIRECONkTABUL&RY. 16th.December,1946. The ChiefConetableforwardsherewitha supplyof Photographio Forms1, whichwi11b® usedwheneverarticleeoP va1ueare removedfrom a sceneof arimefor ea imtionfor fingerprints. ThisFormw311be takenintouee on 1st.Jaauary,1946. It,neednot be usedfor articles of no valuesuchaa piecesof brokenglass,wood and emptyboxes. Bottlesand otherreoeptaclesoontainiag1iluidamustbe carefullyemptiedbeforebeingtakenaway. Afterexamination,articlesfoundto bearno fingerprints, fingerprintsof no value,or fingerprintsmade by somepersonhaviag legitimateaooeasto the premiseswi11be returnedto the ownerwlthout delay. Artiolesbearingfingerprintswhichhave been identifiedas haviagbeenmade by the thiefor fiagerprintewhichhavebeenfiled,°ia the 5oenesof CrimeFi1ew111 alaobe returnedto the owaerwithlnone month. . If the owaerinsistson a reoëiptbeinggiveafor articles takenawayfor eaaminatlon,oaemay be maàe out by the Constabletakiag possessionof the artiolee,or oaemay be sentfromthe Superiateadentta Off o e. ChiefConstablao£ Cheshire.