Force Orders 1945_34 X ‚( TO BE CIRCIILATEDT0 xo. 34 DIVIBIONALAND STATION 14th DeceD ber, 1945. OFETCES P O 40TI0N5. The follocingp rom t ons'dU take effectfrom 1st January,1946axo. 40 DetectiveSergeantGeorgeJoha I11es1 yRook to be DetectiveInspectorat £415.0.0.a year vice Detective2nspectorDavies(retired),and to be trans£erredto C.I.D.Headquarters,Chester,on a date to be fixed. No. 418 DetectiveConstableHaroldHansonto be DetectiveSergeantat £6.8.0.a week vice DetectivesergeantRock (promoted),and to be transferredto Voylakeon a date to be fixed. " No. 295 ConstableAlec Hugh Joaes (eecondedto CivilDefence)to be sergeantou the Civ91 Defence Establishment at Headquarters vice Sergeant Wrigley returned to PoliceEstablishment. " ChiefConstableof Cheshire. •