Force Orders 1945_31 X TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO A LL RA8 H3 OF THE CBESHIRECONSTABIIL9RY. 22 d.November,1945. WIRELESSMESSAGES. The ChiefConstableis satisfiedthatmuoh tlme 1e b®iagwaeted in eendingmessagesfor circulationby Wireless,the purportof whioh 3e not a satisfactorymeeeageto be sentby W1relees.. . The primaryobjeoto£ the W1releeais epeedin oiroulatioa.aadoaly those messagesshouldbe seatby Wirelesswhioh oaa have immediateatteatioaon reoeiptof the message. . The Constable1n ooa ldériagwhethera messageshouldbe ciroulated, shouldaak himeelf,"If I receivethis messagecouldI take any immediate aotioaon it,,e.g.Lookfor a pereoawantedor suspected;a motor car stolea, or maka enquiriesfor propertywhich ca •definitelybe ideatiEied." . The ChiefCoaetabledireotsthat Sergeantsof sectionsor th® eealor Iaepeotoro 8ergeaaton dutyon Town Beatsw111 be responsiblefor giving instructionsto aead infornationby Wirelese,and he wi11 ooaalderwhether th® informationis eultablePor a WireleseMeseage. 5tolenmotor cars shouldalwaysbe olroulatedby W1releesas 3t cannot be determinedhaw far they will travelor for what pu poe they were takea. In this oonaeotioa1t eh•ouldaot be forgottalthat if a motoroar ia ]mown to have gone ia a oertaladireotion,therewi11 be more 11ke11hoodof having 1t atoppedby telephoningin that directioa,rememberiagalwayeto work iawards, and it may be that 1t wouldb® wieer in some instancesto uee the telephoae beforethe Wireleea,aad attention1s drawnto GeneralOrderNo. 79 of 1935. Peraoaewaatedor suspectedfor seriousor1me,who are believedto have leftthe districtwhere the orlmewas oommlttedshouldbe oiroulatedby Wireless. Seriouabraking offenceawhere a large mountof property1s stolenand the thievesare not be1levedto be 1oca1may be oiroulatedby Wireless,but long listsof propertygivingthe valueof each artioleWILL NOT BE INCLIIDEDI THE MESSAGE,it 3s eufficiento outllnethe natureoP the offence,time, date aad 1ooa11tyoommltted,and a shorteumma yof the propertystolen,e.g.three ladies'fur coats,and a quantityof jewelleryto the totalva1ue of £ entraaaaQby.: ::; descriptionof motoroar used or suspects,1£ aay. Should oae or more articlesbear outstandingidentifiablemarke,thesemay be t&ie me aage.' The descriptionof pereonawantedfor offenoeaunderthe VagranoyAota auoha e IndeoentExposurewill not b® the subjecto£ a WireleoeMessage. Dieoretioawi11-beused 1a olroulatingPersonsMissing— a oh11dmay b® missingand when ]adt e®eawaa 3a the oompaayoP a maa a nd the olromastanoes may be that a orime o£ murderor rape haa beea oommltted— to the ooatraryan e1derlymaa o£ 70 y®areof age, who is mlasing,1s hardlythe subjectof a WireleaeMessage. . W1releeaMessagesshouldbe like telegr phiomessages,short,concise, olear. Suohmeeeages blepromptactionto be takea. Loagmeeaageedefeat thelr own objeot,as time 1s spent1n reoeiviagand transmittingto Seotioae• Umneceesarydetailehouldbe rigldlyomitted. It is qultesuffioiento wireless'Jewelleryand alothingstolen'. Detaileddescriptionoan be oirou]atednext day by PolioeInfor m.tioa . There shouldbe no d®1ayat the sceneof the crimeby obtainiaga detailed desoriptloaof a11 propertystolea. The WirelessMeesageahouldbe aent dlrectlysufficientiaformatioa,whioh enablesactionto be taken»is obtalned. This GèneralOrderand GeneralOrderNo. '99oP 1935wi11 be read aad explainedby Superiatendeateto a11 Inspeatoread Ser eaatsin the3r Di leionat the aext pay parade. v /k ! (L . ChiefConetableof Cheshlre•