Force Orders 1945_30 X TO B);CIRCUTAIBDTO DIVIJIONAL No. . ' AND 5'1'ATION OFFICES. 16th.November1,945. REVISEDSCALESOF PAY FOR INSPECTORS,CEIEFINSPECTORSAND SUPERINTENDENTS. VPitheffectfrom 1at.April,1945,the followingrevisedscalesof paywi11 oome intooperatioa:- SUPER2NTENDENT -.£565 a yearris3ngby anaualincrementsof £ a maximumof £645.a year. If oa reachingthe max3muma 3uperiatendeati's the Deteotive kuperintendenotr the Superintendeaot£ the A1trinohemW,1rra1or Dukinfi®1d D1vleionhe wi11 prooeedby threefurtheryearlyincrementsof £ a nvximumoP . £705.a year. If,afterreaohingthe meaimum£645a year,a superintendenits subsequentlayppolatedDeteotiveSuperiatendento,r Superiatendenotf theAltrinoham, Wirralor DukinfieldDivisionhe wi11reoeivethe firstadditionalincrementoP £20. oa his appolntmento thatpostprovidedhe has servednot lesethantwelvemonths at the maxlm m o£ £645.a yearand if he has servedlessthantwelvemonthsat that maaimumhe will receivethe firstadditionaliacrementtwelvemonthsPromthe dateoa whichhe reachedthe maximumof £645.a year. The presentholdersoP the postaof Trafficsuperintendenta,ad Superintendentoef CrewsandNorthwichDivisionswill be paidat the rate of £655.a yearand any oP themwho may be appoiat®dDetectiveSuperiateadenotr Superiatendent ia chargeo£ theAltrinoham,Tf i a1or Duk3afieldDivialonwi11 prooeedby two furtheradditionallncrementeof £25.per anaumto the oiaximwn o£ £705.the first additionalincrementof £25.beiagpa3doa suohappointment. CHIEFINSPECTORS.-£500.a yearrisingby fouraanualiacrementsof £ £540.a year. INSPECTORS. -£415. a yaarrlsingby fiveann allncrementeof £ £465.a year. . Regulation62 of the PolioeRegulationswill ceaeeto apply. . The arrearsdue fromthe 1st.Apri1,1945to the 30th.November, 1945will be paidwith the pay at the new rateoa the Deoemberpay sheet. Fxaeptwhereotherwisestatedthe pay o£ the 'ander-ientioned SuperintendentCçhiefInspe torsand Iaspectorsfromthe 1st.Apri1,1945wi11 be as followss- HeadQuartere. superintendenPt1att. £705.per anaum. SuperintendenRtose. £655. ". " superintenden0t'Sullivan. £645. " " IaepeotorPapwcrth. £465. " " InspeotorCo11ey. £465. " •" InepeotorDavles. £465. " " Inspe torTurner. £465. " " IaspeotorRea1. £425. " " BroatoaDiv. 3uperiatendenPtowell. £645. ". " InspectorFo1ey. 4 q5 k 8 AltrinchamDiv. 3uper3ntendenMtorris. £705. " " ChiefInspeotorTay1or. 8 10. " " 2n pe torHenderson. " " InspectorEanioa. £46S. " " Inspectorcollins. " " IaepectorFeqtherstoae. £465. " " IaspeotorTweed. £425. „ " - 1 - Crewe Division. SuperintendentBraoegirdle. Ch1efInspeotorParker. In peetorBentley. • I ape to L1oyd. £655.per annum. £530."" £465."" £415."" NorthwiohDivision. SuperintendentDurnell. £655. o Il Chie£IaspeotorHarrie. ( 15th.Sept.1945).£530. ‚ Ii ChiefInépeotorLladop. ( 1bth. ept.1945) £465, ‚i t, From 16th.September,1945.. £600: . o Inspeotor Hughes. £.445. 0 WirralDlviaion. SuperinteadeatThorburn. £705. ' o Ch1efIa peotorPowe11. £540. It 't . InspeotorGladetone. £465. o 'I InepeotorPaynter. £465. '‚ u Inspector iPllkes. £465. a u In peotorHunt. IaepeotorDanoefrom m6th.Sept: 4465 . 8 t, 1945. £415. " x DukiafieldDivision. superintendentftenderson. £705: o o ChiefIn peotorWakelin. £530. o o In pe torFryer. £465. p Iaspeotor Thompson. £465. o '‚ MacolesfieldDivision. IaapeotorRogers. InepeotorWithey. superintendentleavin. £465. £465. . £645. o t, " o '1 InspeotorBrown. £465. '! I' RuncornDivision. SuperintendentFleatherby. £585. " ‚t ChiefInspectorAthron. £510. " InspectorBobison. £465. " Civi1D®fence. InspectorPotter. £465 . " " In peotorCroaby. £465. ". " ' ‚ C fL . • Chief Coastable of Cheshire.