Force Orders 1945_27 X b e 2 7 22ndoctober,1945. 71DDIVISTON LAND BTATIONOFF'.CCFS. POSTWA! TR ININGAND EDUCATION. ( i ±Ce T i la F romMoadep29thOctober,1945,theaddreesof thePoliceTraiciug. lwi-U be:-TheInspectorin Charge,ChesbirePoli.ceTrainingSohool,PoliceStation, Nantsrleh Road, Crewe. 'he Sehool will contious to be adminlstered by the Chief C1e c'eDeparlmentat ü adquartere. (b')RefresherClasses. Co mencl gon Moaday29th October,1945,.,aseriesof refresheralassesof four weeksduratioa. llcommeaceat thePol ceTrainingSchool.dt the commencementtiro elasseseachof twentymax.', va concurrentLyaadatteadaaceat theseclasses willbe coiffedto Constables'hobaverelurnedto policedutyafterservicein the AaioedForcesor in Industry.. -soo as thesemea haaebeenpaaaedthroughthe Trainl»g School further instructions about atteadaace at refresher elassee wiLl be ±ssued. Constableeattendingrefresherclassesat-theTrainingSchoolwillbe accommodatedin lodgiagsto be Pouadfor themin Creweaad'il be allowed £P.0.0.a week. underthe . Superlatendentof Crewe L iaio for disciplineand.asthemajorityoY the . Constableswi-I].be men fromother t ieion theInspectorin.Chargeof t e School '111drawtheirpart3cularattentton.toaxylocaliastm.ctiona.-whichthe Superinteade toP CreweD1vialon.mayflndit necessaryto issueaa regardstheirconductaadthé placeeto bi usedby thaioutsidesckoolhóurs. . At the concluaioaof eachelaeathe7nspector3n Chargewillrenderto the Chief.oastablea reportoa therorkof eachpnpil. (c) Promgt,ioa F wu.i atiogq,, A qualifying ex m tnattoa for the rank oP 5ergeant will be held on the first Saturdayof December,1945,anotheroa thefYrstSaturdayof January;1946,anda thirdon thefirstSaturdayof February,1996.Fartherdates'dl be aotified1a due Coastahlewfiohas completedfouryearsserviceandhaa aot mi.tblathe previoustwelvemonthsfailedto pasaa promotionexaminationwill,be elig3bleto sit. The subjecteIll be thoselaiddownin thePoliceRegalationB..Theml imumpaas markswiLlbe 7% ThePo13cequestions'x111be based.on lnstrnctionalmatteral eac issaed1a thefocmof GeneralOrders,Ciroulax, n ,.theInstructional Memo a d .,.theModel.Answersaad givenia the foziioY lectaresby InspectoreandSergeants.Mei r turni g,fromO.M.IbrcesandIndnetrywill not be at-adisadvantagecomparedwithotherConstablesaa thedatesof the. exandnatonshavebeenso 1Y.aedaa to ena lethem,if theyso e1eh,to atteada refresher class before the date oP thelr minatioa. Candidatea for exaxdnation. '41.1 nottf7thed.rSaperint dentstwo weeksbeforethedateof theeaaminationwhichthey wishto tekeand Superintendents'dl foramrda nominal,xo]1,(aotapplications).to_. Headqnarter tea de,yebeforethe dateof the examinationNi1 returasmustbe rendered. ChiefConstahleoP Cheshire.