Force Orders 1945_25 X 70 BE CIRCUTATED TO ALL B NAS OENEf3ALORDSR N0. 25. ( OF T G E CONSTABUTARY. ' , 5 0140 G.o. 4bl a . 6.6's o . e , , +qY. STATr",NTS TA .N FR01i PR2SO i{3. I wish to drawthe attentionof a11 re.nksto the aboveimportant matter,end to referto standingOrdersNo. 112 and 114; ar_dto Superintandents' •Conference Minute No. 339 which was circulated to a11 ranks. StandingOrderNo. 112,paragraph1$ reads:- "If any person,whilstin Policecustodywishesto make a statement, he wi11 be askedto write it out hbxselfon Form C.I.D.8 and wi11 be given everyopportunityfor doingso." . ktandingOrderNo. 112, paragraph14 reads:- "A PoliceOfficershouldnot take downâ statemento£ prisoner.who wishesto make ona unlessthe latterrefusesto write it out hirselfand is insistentthat he wisheshis statemento be takendownfor m." 3tandingOrderNo. 114, peragraphs2(c),(d),(e),'(f),(g)and (h) read:- "It is essentialthat the actionof the Policein a11 aattersshouldbe conducted,not on1ywith scrupulousfairness,but in sucha cannerthat no suspicioneven of any ur.fairnesscan possiblybe raised." 'Wlththis objectin view,a PoliceOfficersheulda4o1dwritingout a statementat the dictationof the prisoner,but he shouldencouragethe prisonerto writeit out himeelfwithouta PoliceOffieerbeingpreseat." '_(THIS DCE3 NOT 1dEfN THATTHE OFFICER IN THE CASE SfICIILDNOT BE PEESENT). hene era prisonerwishesto write out his ovm statementhe wi11 be givenForm C.I.D.8 on which to write it, and re wi11 be providedwith every facility." "If the prisonerrequests PoliceOfficerto write out a statement £or him, Form C.I.D.9 wi11 be used. The PoliceOfficerwi11 sheetand wi11 initialany alterationsor additions." "A prisor.erwi11 be invitedto sign each sheetof any statementthat may be writtenby by a PolicéOfficerat his dictation.8 "A prisonerwi11 be invitedto initialeny alterationor additiott that he may cake or aek to be made." kuperintendentsConferenceMinuteNo. 339 reads;- , "It is alwayspreferablefor an accusedpersonto write his own statementwhiehhe shouldsiç} . If a statementof an aocusedpersonis taken down in a Constable'snote-book,or writtenby h on C.I.D.8, he should be askedto sign it, anä, if he refusesthe request,tho refusalshouldbe noted." It shouldo lybe when a personcannotwriteat a11 that a state ent. shb"ldbe writtenby a PoliceOfficeron Form C.I.D.9. 2f a prisonerwishesto make a statementand can write,he shouldbe told to write his own statement,in his own y, and usinghis ownwords, to axplainwhathe wishesto convey,but if he insists,the statementwi11 bo writtendownat h1s dictationon Form C.I.D.9 or in the Constable's note-book. A stateraent written bythe accused himself wi11 rarely be attacked bÿ the defence,but one writtendownby a PoîiceOfficeris alv.'aysopento attackon the groundsthatwords have been omittedor insertedby tte Police Officerto alterthe meoningof the statement. 1 It matters 1ittlewhether the prisoneris a goodwriter or not, or if he can on1y write in block letters,if he can possiblyconvey his statementto writing,he shoulddo so. If a prisoner wishes to make a statementand a Form C.I.D.6 is not available,a statementcouldbe writtenby the priscnerin the Constable's note-booY,afterthe Constablehad writtenthe usualcautionin the book and the prisoner had signedit." Becausea Constableis not in possessionof Form C.I.D.6 when interv e ing a prisoner who wishes to zTke a statement and it is not practicableto convey h . to a PoliceStationfor that purposo,the statement can be ta}® in the Constable'snote-book,but if, for any reason,suchas lack o£ space,in the bcok this is not possible,any piaoeof foolscap•canbe used,providedthe necessarycautionis writtenat the top of the paper, signedby the prisoner,and the statementwrittenby the prisonerbeneathit. Every statementmade by prisonerwi11 be read oier to him and he wi11 be as d if he wishes to rake any alteration or additionbeforehe signsthe statement. If £or xq reason thereis break in the takingof a atatement,the lengtho£ the breakand the reasonsfor it will be set out beforethe statementis continued. Any refusalto sisn a statementshouldbe notedby the Consta.bleon the statement,and if any reasonis given by the prison rwhy he refusesto sign a state ent,this shouldalso be noted. A constablegivingevidenoaof the prisonerhavingmade a statement, eit eron paper or in his note-book,wi11 not attemptto givethat statement to the Courtfrom merory,but read from the paper or note-bookso thathe wi11 give in evidencethe actua.lwords usedby the prisoner. The whole o£ StandingOrders ?do.112 and 114, 3uperintendents' ConferenceLlinuteNo..339 and this General Order wi11 bo read b y a11 sergeants to the Constablesin their Command and explainedto them £u11y, on three consecutivepay days. The Sergeantsshoul8ask questionsto ensurethat a11 undertheir Command understandthese Orders. Constablesreturningfrom_theServiceswi11 ba speciallyinstructed on theseOrdersby the $ergeantsu ider oho' they are serving. Sergeantswi11 render a reporton 15th. iovemb r,1946 setting out the names of the Officersthey bave ir.etructedand w hetherthey are satisfied that they fu11y understand these orders. Nwne o£ any Officer who has not been instructedto be stated. 27th.Spptembe ,1945. ChiefConstableo£ Cheshire.