Force Orders 1945_24 X ( • To b e circulatedto D2PISIONALand STATIONOFFICES. No. 24. 15th September,1945. 5 iL» M . b• 5,., . 28 ae. INSFECTIONOF BOORS ND DOCD?]ENTS. The attention of a11 ranks is drawn to General Order No. 1 dated 1st January, 1936, concerningthe keeping of diary notebooks. To remove any doubt there may be about the examinationo£ diary notebooks the following instructicroswi11 be rigidly compliedwith for the future:- An Inspectorwi11 examine, sign and date the diary notebook o£ every member of his command at least once every month. Where a notebook has been completedsi.ncethe last inspeotionthe Inspector wi11 sign and data tha last page of the completednoteboo$ and wi11 make sure that no break in the continuityof record has occurred between the completedbook and the new notebook. This entry wi11 be in addition to the recard of inspectionmade in the new notebook. A Sergeant will examine, sign and date the diary notebook of every member of his command at least once a fortnight. Where a notebook has been completed since the last inspectionthe Sergeantwill sign and date the last page of the completednotebook and will make sure that no break in the continuityof record has occurredbetween the completedbook and the new notebook. This entry wi11 be in addition to the record of inspectionmade i.nthe new notebook. The entries recording the inspectionsby Inspectorsand sergeants must be made in ink. lihena Superintendentexaminesbooks he wi11 also record the fact in ink. ' A11 ranks are reminded that diary notebooks must be numbered consecutively. Superintendentswi11 report in writing on 1st January, 1st Apri1, 1st Ju1y and 1st October each yéa that they are satisfiedthe above 5nspectionshave been carried out. This year they will report on 1st November, instead of 1st October. . v- 3 c. Chief Constable of Chesh re.