Force Orders 1945_21 X TO BE C2RCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL AND STATION OFFICES. Mo. 21. 30thJu1y, 1945. ARRANGEMENTSFOR DEALINGWITH CONSTABLESRELEASEDFROM THE AA ?ED FORCES AND FAOM IND STRY. Fending a decilon as to any eubsequentre-distributiono£ strengththe men wi11 be posted to the Ststionswhere they were when they were calledup. An exceptionto this wi11 be any man who has a house in a districtother than the districtfrom w ich he was calledup. A man re]easedfrom the Forces to Group B is bound to resume police duty at the expirationaf his three weeks service 1eave. 2f inennotify their superintendentsor sergeantsthat they have been releaead care must be taken to notify Headquarterso£ the date on which they should resume police duty. The date of the return of each man-to police duty will be notified in DivisionalOrders. Se who belongedto the Civi1 Defencewhen they were called up wi11 return for police duty at the stationswhere they livedwhen they were calledup. Any exceptionto this rule will be notifiedin DivisionalOrders. Headquarterswi11 make the necessaryarrangementsfor the issue of uniform aud accoutremants. Sectional'Sergeantswi11 be responsiblefor checkingthese and making sure they are present aad in good order in the same way as if the men had been transferredfrom another Division. Coupon permits to purchasetwo pairs of uniform boots wi11 be lssued to each man 021`application. Books and documentsbelongingto the men wi11 be issuedunder arrangementsto be Headquarters. SectionalSergeantsaye reminded,however,that during the me 's absence severalordershave been issued amd copies of thesewi11 not be in the men's files. At eaoh StationOffice,however,there is an up-to-dateset of a11 orders end instructions. The men wi11 have no excuse for not making themselves aware of these orders and Sectional5ergeantsare held responsiblethat each returnedmen reads and initialseach of the orders or oircularsissued during his absence. ' Inspectorswi11 make a specialnote of this and take steps to ensure the instructionis obeyed•asit will be some time before the men's files can be made up. No diffiçultycan arise as a11 the orders and instructionsare available at Station Office'sand there will be ample tlme for the men to perusethem. Married men whose wives are living in rooms and who have been receiving15/- a week a11owancein lieu of rent (or would have reeeivedit had thair Service pay not exceededtheir police pay) wi11 eontinueto be paid this allowanceeven though for the present there wi11 be cases where the men wi11 be unab1e to obtainfurnished rooms in the distriétswhere they are stationedand on that aocount their wives have to continueto live in anotherdistrict. This is on1y a temporarymeasure and in due course such men wi11 be expectedto obtain suitablerooms in the diçstrictwhere they are stationed. Men who were employedin the C.I.D. wi11 return to that duty and will resume any allowancesthey were drawingwhen they were callad up. Men who were employedin offices (other then those on Civil Defence)wi11 be similarlydealt with unless contraryinstruct3onsare issued. Sergeantsto whose com.:,andtshe men r 11 be postedwill be responsiblefor giving the men such instructionas may be neeessaryto enab1ethem to,carryon with routine police duty.. tuchof this work can be done by 'pairing'the returnedmen with Constableswhose police career has not been interrupted. Inspectorsin charge of Sub-Divisionswi11 arrange to personallysupervisethe tralningof the returnedmen end give them lectures. In short,the machinery /with -2- with which a11 are already familiar,for'dealingwith ProbationaryConstables af6er they have been posted to stationswi11 be brought into operation. Intalligentlyadapted this wi11 be quite sufficient. I do flotanticipatethe sl ghtestdifficult,yabout making satisfactoryarrangements. Men v&'ohave returned to the force up to now have experiencedno dlfficultyin settling down and have got into theirstrideagain very quickly. In due course each returnedman wi11 attend a refresherclass under arrangements made by Headquarters. Details of the syllabusof thls course wi11 be publishedin due course. superintendentswi11 assemble their Inspectorsand sergeants and make sure they fu11y understandthe arrangementsto be made to comply with the spirit of this General Order. , They v 11 also impress on sergeantsthe need to obtain suitable lodgings for such of the returningmen as require lodgings. When a superintendentis satisfiedthat a man is competent to resume norma1 police working the man -willdo so. Many of the returningmen should not need a lengthy period to become familiar once again with routine police work as their period of absencehas not been unduly 1ong. It is imperativethat patrol schemes should be reviewed to permit o£ the speedy absorption of inenwho can resume norma1 police work so as to avoid aimlessness and any tendency to idle about police stations. In this coonectionspecial attentionis drawn to General Order Mo. 10 of 1945 and Superintendentsin their leoture to Inspectorsand Sergeantswi11 speciallystress this General Order, particularlythat part o£ it dealing with loiteringat Police Stations instead of-being on patrol. I wi11 see aach returnedman as soon as I convenientlyoa after his return . to police duty. c 42 Chief Constable of Cheshire.