Force Orders 1945_19 X • No. 19. 18thJu1y,1945. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF THE C BSHIRECONSTABULARY. COM6NDATIONSBY O.M.JUDGESOR BENCBESOF " GISTRATES. Vfhena member o£ the Forceis commendedby one of H.M.Judges or by a Bencho'fMagistratesa reporto£ suchcommendationand of the ciroumstanoewshichgave riseto it mustbe submittedto the Chief Constableby the Superintendent. Afterhe has consideredthe factsof the casetheChiefConstable wi11decidewhatheror npt an entry shouldbe made in theman's Personal Recordor the reportfiledwithhis personalpapers. The Chief Constable'sdecisionwi11be notifiedto theman throughthe Superintendent. ,; '4 _ Chief Constableof Cheshire.