Force Orders 1945_16 X 1b No. i &. 8th June,1945. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANRS OF THE CHESHIREÇONSTABIILARY. I wlsh to drawattentionto my GeneralOrderNo. 1 o£ 12th Jenuary,1945. I regretto saythattodayI had be£ore me a Conetablewho, afteran inter-divisionalcricketmatch,got underthe influenceof driakand behaveddiscredltably. I have been very impressedby the fact thatthe concassion grantedin GeneralOrderNo. 1 of12thJanuary,1945has been honourably keptthroughouthe Force. I do not, therefore,intendto penalisethe Division concerned. Thereare two polnts,howeve ;thathave arisenthroughthis regrettabreincidentupon whichI wishto comment. It ie imperativethatcricketmatohesaud othersocialevents shouldbe heldwithoutany unseemlybehaviour. In‚thiscasethe Constable, who was in uniform,borroweda mackintoshfromthe Licenseebeforeenteing the publichouse. It must be o1early understoodthatsucha procedure doeenot alterthefactthatthe Coastable1s deemedon duty. I hope thatthis deceitfulamd illusionarypracticewi11not be repeated,for I wish it to be clearlyunderstoodthatI shouldtreatit aa aggravatiagthe otfence. Chief Constableof Cheshire.