Force Orders 1945_15 X TO BE CIRCULATEDTo ALL RANKS OF TIE CHESHIRE CON5TASULARY. 17th Eiay,1945. Now that the war in Europe has ended I wish to send a message o£ thanks and appreciationto a11 regular members of the Force, tc the First Police Reserve, the PolicetiYarReserve, to the Licbile,the Liaison, Civi1 Defence Reserve and Foot branches of the Special Constabularyand to a11 others forming part of the Cheshire Constabulary. For over six years you have a11 worked with cheerful aaidunselfish devotion to duty,f3rstduring the intensivepreparatorystage and then throughoutthe weary years of war. Each one of you without hope of notice or thought of reward has done so much in his own way that I feel it impossibleto single out any members of the Force for individualmention and I know that each one of you wi11 wish that this should be so, for in war as in peace the Cheshire Constabuls.ryin all dts brancheshas proved to be a highly disciplinedand thoroughly efficientteam. I am proud end gratefulto have the honour to be tha Chief Constable of Cheshire. No one would wish for a finer oommand. To the wives who shared ÿour burdens and who worked so hard to lighten them for you I send a specialword of thanks aaidadmiration. To those of you who have lost ycur loved ones I send my deepest sympathy for I krtowon1y too we11 th&t these days which to so meny have been days of rejoicing and gladnesshave been to others days of 1oneliness wad sadness. May the years to come prove that the sacrifice so willingly, nob1y and unselfishlymade by many of the flower of our gloriousmanhood was not in vain. May they peace. L Ch1ef Constableof Cheshire.