Force Orders 1945_12 X No. 12. - To be ciroulatedto 9thMaroh,1945. DSvisionaland StatioaOffices. SP CIALCONSTABIILABY'LONGSERVICEMEDALANDBAR. Re£. .O.L.825,108/,dated26.2.45. The ChiefConstablehasmuchpleasurein announcingthatAis MajestytheSing has approvedtheawardof theSpecialConstabularyLongServiceMeda1to 89 maibersof theSpecialConstabularg.Thenamesof thoaeto votiomtheMeda1has been awardedare shownhereunder. TheMedals‚dli notbe issueduntil afterthe war,buta11 SpecialCoastablee who havebeen awardedtheMeda1are autflorisedto wearthe ribbon.The ribbonswill be presentedby theChiefConstableto all SpecialConstablesviiihave é awarded theMeda1at DivlsionalParadeswhichwill be held1n the near future. The ChiefConstablecongratulatesall thoseSpecialConstableswhohavebeen awardedtheMeda1. TheMeda1w5.11be worn afterDecorations,WarMedals,IndianGeneralService Meda1,Jubilee,Coronationand Du±,LongServiceand GoodConductMedals, MeritoriousServiceMeda1,TerritorialDecorationand TerritotialEfficiencyMeda1. ChiefConstableof Cheshire. CRE6YEDIVISION. - 4'721'&-ConstaUle ‚573Sergeant (934Constable 8 " 9 e)1 15 (63]. '144 57 BRO%T NDIU2SION. 486 Constable Cova eadoe, R.C. 466 " '+n *+ing , J.R. 909 Farrington,A. ( 940 " ayére,H. 577 " Morris, G.C.B. ( 197 " P1eavin,T. %l077 ES -CdSnstable Taylor, D.R. ‚"345 Constable Wifliaans, A.D. ALTR'INCHAMDIVISION. 1048ConstableBennett,F. ) 494 Ex-CÖnstsbleForeyth,D.G. (241 Constable Foulds, R.E. (342 ° lardaso,I. '597 " ip ins, B.J. 374 Ex-Constable.Jones,G.B. `610 ConstableLi ey, . . . (3.18 " Meachjn, T.k. (879 • Mo a , J. (795 • " Moulsdale,B.A. (867SergeantNaylor,R. t727ConstableNoden,C. 715 ' .o ' a a, . A. (590 " Pigott, J.A. x789 Ex-Act/Sgt.PoTlard,J. (9 Constable3Latter,T. . B1ud,A. Vc]d.n W.G. Dick&is, J. Griffith,J.E. libbs, .E.J. Peane71, J.F. 5mith,J.E. Steele,T.T. Turner, I.L. Waite,0.1. Woolrich,F.T. NORT 49ICHDIVISION. x 951 Ex-Constablanoughton,J. ó 13 Sergeaat Leigh,O.E.S. ( 825 Constable Lomaa,A.G. 55, " Mckie,W. ( 752 t? Newton,A. C 286 " Plumbley, . 533 " Roderick, . . 6 2nspector S ith,G.R. ( 295 CottstableThornton,F. . ( 935 !! . Stelfox, F. .(1249 " Taylor,J.A. 1098 " T .e ey, J. ( 9P0 " Worsley, L. No. 12 (Continued) WIRRAL DIVISION. ( 222 ConstableChristmas,H.D. { Inspectorpon,J.s.A. (437 ConstableEvans,N.E. D 648Ex-ConstableFitzpatrick,J.T. <633 ConstableGilchrist,C.H.T. '615 ° Harris, N.D. '861 " Hazelhurst,T. (781 " Kiviin, T. Y943 ^ Lar rie, T.B. <'668 ° McTear,R.J. r435 " Merrilees,A. (306 SergeantPeat,A.J. ‚464 ConstableRobilliard,L.A. x426 Ex-ConstableSpink,M.H. C616 ConstableWareing,C.A. 341 " Warren,J.E. (523 " Wooton,J. DUflINFIELDDIVISION. ( 314 ConstableAtkineon,W. '139 ° Bridges,G.P. 929Ex-Const.Patman,G.G. (216 ConetablePickup,B. (505 " Sellars,J.C. ('465 ° 5tarsmore,C.W. Inspector'ThomsoJn., (582ConstableWhiteman,A.E. ‚-651 ° Whittaker,D. M CCLESFIELDIVISION. (794 ConstableBa1ne8,R.E. 240 Ea-Const.Dyson,G. . '428ConstableLane,A. <834 " Lyon, . (368 " Morréll,J.H. (419 " Rushton,G.W. RIINCORN DIVISION. (768 ConstableEvane,E.J. i969 ° Eyes,G.E.J. (579 e luise,T. 414 " Knight,W. (863 " Laundy,E.B. 1809 " Lord,C. (317 " Moors,J.H. (219 " Uickere,T.W. 61320. " Woodward,J. NOTEo- GeneralOrderNo. 11/1945was oirculatedto DivisionalHeadquarterson1y.