Force Orders 1945_10 X 1 17thFebruary,1945. 5a P o C.C' .1o . c .1¢. Mi. 415. al 11•2•A . .` TO BE CIRCOLATEDTO ALL R NKS OF TOE CHESH2RECONST BDLF,RY. ENTRIESIN OTCVL o s. A ENDANCEgT CONE7_RENCEPOINTS. TIME SPENT T POLICE; I , The attentionof allranksie drawnto.theinstx' ictionscontained in GeneralOrderNo. 17 dated11thMay,1939. A11 entriesin the diarypart o£ theaote-bookmuetbe madeat the t1.meof theoccurrence,e.g.whena Constableattendsa ConferencePointhe must enterthefactthereand then in the diaryportioaof his Note-book.Like ieewhenhe receivesa visit froca superiorofflcerthemeetingwillbe enteredon the spot,bothby the superiorofficerand the Constable.It is Importantthatthe exacttime a Constablearrivesat a ConferencePoint,or at a Po ce Station,or at a placewherehe is on duty,shouldbe recorded.Forinst ce if theConference Pointis at 1-3Da.m.and the Conetablea rivesthereat 1-2öa.m.,he should enter1-28a.m.not 1-3Ja.m. ? here a Conference Point is f1xed near a telephone - whether it is a telephonekioskor otherwise- and a man attendingat thatConference Pointis eontactedthereby telephone,he willrecordthatcontactin His Note-bookso as to makeit quiteclearthe contactwasby telephone,and withwhom,e.g.2-30a.m. Gain bo vu .h5treetkiosk.Te1ephonemes a efrom Sereaat X. IInderno circumstancesmuettelephonecontact,be enteredor describedas a visit.To rnove anypossibilityof misunderstandinga man whenhe ie visitedat a ConferencePointor at a PoliceStation,or at any placewherehe is oa duty,willrecordthatmeetingin his Diarynote-book by usingthe ®ordMET.The amerulewillapplyto entriesmadeby the superioroffï.cerbÿ homhe was visited.For example- Sergeant% is visitingCon tableson patrol.He meetsConstableY at 2- Picton HallProntDriveGate. The Sergeant'sentryshouldbe '2-3Ja.m.Met ConstableY PictonHallFrontDriveGate'. TheConstables entryshouldbe '2.3)a.m.Met Sergeant% PictocFall FrontDri.veGate'.- When a man commences his tour of daty from a Police Station he will recordin his Dia ynote-bookthetimeat whichhe commeacesdutyin the aamemanneras he wouldif he wereattendinga ConferencePoint,andhe wi7.1 alsorecordthetimeat whichhe lefbthePol.ice5tatioafor hispatrol. Similarly,whenhe arrivesbackat thePoliceStationhe wi11recordthe time of his arrival there, aad the time lien he booked off duty, or, iY he e,, pp,, hasa Conference`Pointat thePol cestation,th exacttimehe leftthe Qo 5 Po11ceStationto contlnuehiepitrol.Superlorofficerswheninspecting G•o.2"45• theirsubordinates'note-booksv .11pay specialattentionto the timemen spendat PoliceStationsin orderto makesnrethatmen do not wastetheir loitering at Police Stations wheu they should be oa patrol.. They will alsomakea specialpointof inepectingParadeBooksin orderto makesure sachbooksare completedup to thetimeof theirinepection. I wishInspectorsat theirnextlectureto Sergeantsto takethis GeneralOrderfortheirsubject,and to i.presson Sergeantstheneedfor strictand constantsapervisionovera11 officiälrecords,particularly Note-booksand ParadeBooka. Ia theirturnSergeantswiLllecturetheircommandaon thisGeneral Orderand willmakeqnitesureeveryman hasread1t,andunderstands3t. /3 ev l , Ch efConstableof Cheshîre.