Force Orders 1945_08 X To b e circulatedto Divieional and Stat onOffices. No. 8. I 13thFebruary,1945. PROVIDENTAND BENEPOLENTFUNDS. I wish to draw the attentionof a11 ranksto the aeed for closer touchwith theWidoweof the CheshireConstabularyso that if there , are any oaseswhere help is necessarythe factsoan b e broughtwithout delaybeforethe GrantsSub-Committeeof the Provident and Benevolent Funds. Recentlytherewas a caaewhere help couldhave been givento a widowwho was o1d an d had been ailingfor a longtime but,heroase was not brought to my noticein time,with the resultthat the widaw diedbeforethe Sub-Committeecouldhave given her help - helpwhich w ou1dhave ber' most willinglyand easilygiven. I know we11 the di£ficultythere is in many casesto get these widowsto admit theyare in need. They have theirprideand they do not like peopleto know thata11 is not we11 with them but the 1oca1 Constable usuallyknows the true factsan d there is muoh he can do to make sure that help is givenindirectlyand withouthurting anyone's feelings. It is for this reasonI am asking you a11 for your co-operation and interest in this matter. Everyman who is intereetedin the welfare of thoseto whom the Foroeowes so much shouldhave a good idea of their circumstanceeaad 1f he thinksan y of them are in n eed of help hé should reportthe matterto his Superintendent.For examplethe local man with his 1oca1koowl®dgewi11 knowwhetherthe doctoroftenca11son a widow; he will usually know whetherher'sis a casewhere somethingextrasuch as extra coal or nourishmentwould help to make thingseasier. It would be such an easy matterfor the doctorto be askedto sendhis bill to the Superintendentor £or arrangementsto b e made for thoseextra comforts whichmean ao much to the aged and ailingto be given anonymouslyif neceesarya d Por paymentto b e madeby the funds. I am quite certainyou on1y need your attentiondrawnto thismatter and that you are as anxiousas I am to make sure that any oaaeswhere help is neededar e helpedae much as possib1e and withoutdelay. ChiefConstableof Cheehire.