Force Orders 1945_05 X TO BE CIRCOL TEDTO M.L RLNKk No. 5• OF THE CHES IRECONSTABULARF 19th am,sry,1945. PR2SONEH IN POLICECELLS. With referenceto that paragraphof GeneralOrder14/44 ich reada"Th means thatif he is completelycoveredup the Constablemust enterthe cell and satisfyhimselfthat the prisoneris thereand not a bund1eoY blanketson1y",the C1v.efÇonstableappreciatesthatit is pdssiblethe Constablemay be assaultedby the prisonerwhen he enters the cell,and thereforedi.rects,that when the prisonerin the ce11 is not visibleto the Constable,he wi11 obtainassistanceand enterthe cefl in companywith anotherConstable. The Constableviiiu5e discretionin obtainingassistance,and not cause meceesary 1am by givingthe impressionthat the prisoner has escapedfrom the cells. If by wa-itinga shorttimehe knowsthat some otherConstablewill be artLvingat the 5tationwho couldvisitthe ce11 with him, he shoulddo so. . The poss3bilityof a prisonermaing a bund1eon the bed to representhimselfso that hé oan assaulta Constablevisitingthe cell cannotbe overlooked.Thougha Constablewith a 1ittleacumen should be ab1e to ascertainwhetherthereis a prisonerwaitingto attackhim on entry. / L , Chie£ const able.