Force Orders 1945_04 X TO BE CIRCULATED TU DIVISIONAL No. 4. SUPERINTENDENTB. 20th January,1945. INSPECTI NOF DIUISIONP.ALCCOUNTS. . RecentlyI havehad a DivisionalSergea.nCt1erkbe£oreme on chargesof neglectof duty. The circumstances are too involvedto set out. 2 wish every Divisional superintendent to enqvire from the 8nperintendenatt North ichthe factsof thiscase - if ccnveiiient, a spe l DivisionalSuperintende tsmeetingmightbe arrangedfor this purpose. The enquiryrevealedthe necessityfor inspectionof Divisional accountsto safeguardthe superintendentt,he ChiefConetable,and the reputationof the Force. The ChiefConstablehas authorisedthe ChiefClerkto inspect everyDivisionalOfficetwicea year,and to satisfyhi.mself thatevery financialtranaactionin whicha Divisionis involved,is scrutinised. The ChiefC1erkmi1.1ask for the superintendenotn arrival,who,if he deemsfit,can be presentduringsuchinspection.If the Superintendent is not therethe inspectionw:i].i1mmediatelycommence. No notice'dU be givenof the day or hourof suchinspection. . The ChiefC1erkis instructedto reportto the ChiefConstable the resultof eachinspection,and to drawhis attentionto any irregularities whichmay be revealed. DivisionalClerksare to be warnedthat suchinspectionswill takeplace. ' /3 c - ChiefConstable.