Force Orders 1945_01 X ( TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO ALL RANKS No• 1. OF THE C ESHIRECONBTABULARY. . 12th January,1945. $w a2oo6.o.1bI45. ' 2t is afterlong and seriousconsideration,and againstthe adviceof somer+hoseadvice2 value,thatI have decidedto cancel GeneralOrderNo. 1 of 1939.w ichrestrictsa Constablewhenoff duty from vl.sitinga publichouse in his section. The purposeof this,the aforesaidGenexalOrder,must have been obviousto anyoneof commonsense. It was directedagainst Constablesgossipingand loiteringin publichousesin the area in whiohthey worked. Further,againstthe dangerof theirbeingtreated, eitherby the licenseeor others,againstwhom theymighthave to take proceedings. The wise Constablerealises(unfortunatelyall Constablesare not wise)thatif a licenseetreatsa Constableto a drink,or one who resideson his beat, or an amiablemotorist,thathe hopes that this act of generositymay at some futuredate stand1Km in good stead. If the privilegegrsnt'edin thisGeneralOrderis abased,and any Superintendentreportsto me thatit has been abusedor it is affectingefficiency,then 2 sha11not hesitateto place the wholeof tha.tDivisionunder restriction. It must be clearlyunderstoodthat drinkingin a publichouse in uniform will be deemed a sexious offence and a criminal charge lies againstthe licensee,and further,a Constablewi11 be déemedon duty if he is in uniform. I hope the trust which I have pl ce¢ in all 'vin not be abused. ' /^& c%L . Chief Constable