Force Orders 1944_16 X C2RCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL AND STATION OFFICES. Number16. 30th.November1944. QUALIFYING EXA .dINATIONFOR PROIi0TI0N TO T RANK OF INSPECTOR. The followingSergeants,whosenamesappearhereunderin alphabetical order,were succeeafulin paesingthe qualifyingexaminationfor promotion to the rank of Inspector:- No. 85 5ergeantJ. A. A1].man. No. 499 SergaantS. L. Jones. Mo. 518 SergeantW. Barker. No. 99 SergeantT. M. Jonee. No. 267 SergeantS. C. Benaon. No. 25 SergeantG. H. Kirby. No. 69 SergeantA. E. Billington. No. 263 SergeantC. Mort. No. 28 SargeantT. Brindley. No. 59 SergeantA. A. hfurray. No. 1$7 SergeantA. Davies. No. 5$ SergeantH. G. Reade. No. 120 SergeantJ. Edge. No. 403 SergeantJ. E. Roberts. No. 501 SergeantA. Fishwick. No. 36 SergeantT. S. Shone. IJo.342 SergeantJ. T. Formston. No. $37 SergéantW. Taylor. No. 130 SergeantJ. Hawkeworth. No. 107 SergeantS. Williams. No. 533 SergeantS. Jackson. The fiveremainingSergeantewho sat for the examinationfailed. The necesearyentrywill bo made in the rocordeof a11 concernedthe date of the examinationbeingshownas 26th.August1944. ,Tr3 / L ChiefConstableof Cheshire. ,