Force Orders 1944_14 X 20th. October, 1944. TO HE CIRCUTATEDTO At.L RANBS. PRISONERSIN POLICECELßS. The Ch1efCoaetableagalndrawaattentloato the remaadingoP prieonereto pollaeoeils. . Ia C1roularMm oread No.118of th® 27th.August»194$,atteationwas drawn to the remnadof prieoaera,ead therecan be very few oas®athat aeoeeeltatea reciandfor more thna threedays to polloeoe11à. Ia future,1f Buperintendentsconsiderthe oaeeneoeeeitateea remaadfor more than three to polloecells,the S periatendentw111 report,to the Ch1ef Coastablethe reaeoafor auchremand. A remaadfor threedaya to oe11a ebould be the exceptioaratherthan the ru1e. Attentloaie alsooàlledto p ragraph6 of StandingOrd®rNo.181,thatwhea Cone6ableeare visitingprisonerstheywill enaurethat electrlobe11aare in worklagorder,that a11 doorsare properlyaad securelylooked,aad W.Ce kept f luehed. . • • The objeoto£ the vialt is to eaaurethst the prisoner1e 1n the ce11,alive aad we11. Constablea,whose duty 1t ia to visitprisoaers1n oe11a,wi11 eaaure , thatat th® time oP the visit,the prisoaer1e there,by seeingh1e body wlthout dleturblaghim, aad dur3agt e aightwithoutawakeninghim 1f he appeareto be asleep. It is aot eufficlentjuet to peep lato the oe11and aee a buadleof blanketsoa the bed and aasumethat the prlsoaeris uaderaeaththem,eomepart of his bodymuat be aeea 1.e.Paoe or hand. lisoprisoneremust aot be plaoedia one oe11 ualesathe aumberof prieonera 3a oua'to&rm ke this aeceaeary.If'it ie £ouadthat to aocommodatethem,two prisoneremueb be placed1a one ce11,theywi11 not be persoascoaceraed1a the eame ohargeor charges. A Oonstablewho takesto the ce11 a pri onergmeals,whethersuppliedby the pol3ceor by friendsoP the prleoaer,will enter 1a the ce11 reglstera listof a11 utensilstakea latothe ce11with the meal and carefullyexaminemealabrought• 3n by frlenda for aay dooumeate or instruments. ' The Coastableranov3ngthe utensilsfrom the oeilafter the meal will enter tha particulars3a the ce11registerand ohackto see that everythingie brought out of the oe11 thatwaa auppliedwith the mea1. If a prlaoaerreoe?vesa vislt fromaay peraoaotherthan n pollceoffioer,he will be aearchedbeforebe3ngagain l kedup. An eatry in the oe11 regieter, "asleep" 1a lnaufficlent, part of th® body $u 6.0, identif1ed must be added,i.e.,Paoe or hand, or 1eg. This meansthat 1f he is 5145. completelycoveredup, the Constablemuet enter the oe11aad satisfyhlmselfthat the prisoner1a thereand aot a bundleof blanketeon1y. Every8ergeantduringhis tourof duty 1e responsiblefor the eafetyaad we11 beiago£ the prisoners1n the ce11e. A Sergeaatehould,each tlmehe visitsthe pollcestation,visit the oeilsand satisfyhlmeel£that regulationsregardiag prlooners!a oe11aare compliedwith aad eaterh1a visit 3a the ce11 register. Oa the first day of eachQuarter,Supelnteadentaw111 reportthatthey are satisfiedwith the ocoditionoP the cells,partScularattentloabeiagpald to lookson ce11 doorsaad corrldordoors. -1- CONT1NIIATION. No.14. TO BE CIRC4IATEDTO 20th.Ootober,1944. AL18AN$S., , At the next threeparadeefor pay, 5 per nteadeateei11 read StaadlagOrders Noe. 128, 129, 131,132. GeneralOrder ENo.78/36aad thla GeneralOrderto thelr Dlviaioa . T c !% . Chief Coastable of Cheshir®. I a - -