Force Orders 1944_12 X To be'circulated to.No. 12. Divi.eiona&lStatloaOffices.' 19thAugust,1944. Amendmentsto the Police(Appeale)Rulesand the Temporary Constables(Fe ergen Ryu)1ee. A copy of eaoh of the followingis forwardedfor informatioa:- Home OfficeCirou].aNro. 220/44F. dated12thAugust,1944. S.R.and 0. 1944,No. 912. S.R.end 0. 1944,No. 913. The necessaryameadmenteshouldbe made to the Police(Appeals)Rules, 1943,circulatewdithGeneralOrderNo. 11,/1943a,ndthe TemporaryConstables ( e ge cRyu)1es1943,circulatewdith CircularMemorandum.No1.57/1943. Îe.vpa+ ( "'1 .w1) e , Ca u .t d 4 iL' %?,u Wa Î vc L',' i945. Chief Constable of Cheshire. Lc. . 4 I4s) COPY. H.O. 220/44 F. Sir, HOME OFFICE, PlRITEHALL, LONDON,S.W. 1. 12thAuguet,1944. HOMEOFF2CECIRCUTARNo. 220/1944 Amendmentsto thePolice(Appeals) Ru1esand the TemporaryConstables (EInergency) Ru1ee. I am directedby the Seoretaryof Stateto enolosea coeyof the Police (Appeala)Ru1ee,1944,amendingRu1ea5 and 6 o£ thePolice(Appeals)Rules, 1943. Tha effecto£ the amendmentto Ru1e 5 ia thatan appellant,in seleoting a polioeoffioerto répresenthim at an inquiryby a Tribunal,willno longer . be 13mitedto membereo£ h1s own force. The amendmentmadeto Ru1e6 is a draftingamendmentconsequential on the alteratioato Ru1e 5. A copyo£ the TemporaryConstables(Emergenoy)Au1ea,1944,makingsimilar amendmentsto the appealprovisionsin the e pora yConstables(Emergenoy) Rules, 1943,is alsoenclosed. * The Seoretaryo£ Statehas no doubtthat,eubjectto the exigeac3esof policeduty,thenecessary&oilitieswi11be givento anymëmberof a police forcewho is askedto assista memberof another£orcein thisway. Any expensesincurredwi11 fa11to be met aa partof the costsoP the appeal. Sufficientprintso£ thenew Ru1ee.£ordistributionto Superintendents will be sentto youas eoonae possible..The Seoretaryof Statewouldbe glad if youwouldbringtheseamendmentsto the noticeof a11 member'a of the force. I am, Sir, Your obedientServant, 803,368/162. . (Sgd.)PRILLIPALLEN. , , 000-- ------------ COPY. STATUTORYRULEBAND ORDERS 1944 No. 912. EMERGENCYPOWERS(DEFENCE) Police. THE TEMPORARYCONSTABLES(E?,iERGENRCUYL)ES,1944,DATEDAUGUST3RD,1944,MADE BY TIE SECRETARYOF STATEUNDERREGULATION40ACOF THEDEFENCE(GENERAL) REGUTATIONS,1939. , In purauanoeof the poweroonferr"i my by Regulatioa40 AC of •heDefeace (General)Regulations,1939,I here " èkethe followingRu1esamendingthe TemporaryConetables(Emergency) »Te ,1943 (a):- 1-(1) Ia paragraph7 of 4pe d xIII for thewords"thepoliceforceto whichhe belongsor, if he a beendismissed,to whichhe belongedwhen djsmissed8 thereeha11bubet tuted thewords"a polioeforce". i (2)In par r h 8 o£ the saidAppendixthewords°towhichhe belongs° sha11be omitted.' / 2 TheseRulesmay be citedaa theTemporaryConstarble(sEmesgencyR)u1es, 1944. (Sgd.)BERBERTMORRISON. Oae of HisMajestytsPrincipal ome Off3ce, Seoretariesof State. Whitehall. 3rd Angust,1944. (a) S.R. & 0. 1943 No. 1527. ExplanatoryNote. The purposeof this Orderis to eaablea Policewar reservist,when appeal3ng froma disciplinarayward,to chooseh1s representativbeeforea tribunalof inquiryfromanotherpoliceforceas we11 as his own. Copy. STATUTORYRULESAND ORDERS 1944 No. 91$ . POLICE,ENGLANDANDWALES Appeals. TAE POL2CE(APPEALS)RULES,1944,DATEDAUGUBT3RD, 1944,MADEBY TIE SECRETARY OF STATEUNDERTHE POLICE(APPEALS)ACTS,1927and 1943(17& 18 GEO.5. C. 19 AND 6& 7 GEO.C. 8) In pursuanceof the powersoon£erreduponme by section4 of the Police (Appeals)Act, 1927,2 herebymake the followingRu1esamendingthePolice , (Appeals)Ru1ee,1943(a) :- 1-(1) In Ru1e 5£or thewords "thepoliceforeeto whichhe belongeor, if he has been dismissedor requiredto resign,to whiohhe belongedwhen disnd.ssed or requiredto resign°thereshallbe substitutedthewords"a poliae£orce". (2)In Ru1e 8 thewords "referredto in Ru1e5" sha11be omitted. 2 The`se:Rulmeasy be citedas the PoliceCAppeals)Ru1es,1944. (Sgd.)HERBERTMORRISON One of lisMajesty'sPrincipalSecretariesof State. (a) S.R. & 0. 1943 No. 473 Vane Offioe, Whitehall, 3rdAugust,1944. 3053"44