Force Orders 1944_11 X Circulated to Divieional and 5tation Offices. No' 11. 26th. Ju1y 1944. ' AFIARDFOR GALLßNTRY. The Chief Conetabla is proud to inform the Force that Hie tdajeety The King has been graciously pleased to award tha British Empire Vedal to No. 97 DETECTIVECONSTABLELEONARilCOOPER Altrincham Division. 0n the night of 28th. January 1944 with two members of the Railway Police ( one of whom hae aleo been awarded the British Empira fSedal and the other commended ) found three men engaged in the theft oY foodetuffa from the Railway Siding at Carrington. One of the men wae armed with a double-barrelled ehot gun which wae loaded. After a etrugglé one man was arreeted. The other two eecaped but were later arraeted. A11 three were subsequantly convicted of (1) Taking and driving away a motor car without the owner'a conaent and (2) Larceny of foodatuffe from a Railway Vehicle. The man who was armed was'also convicted of 'Ueing a firearm with intent to prevent lawful errest'. . The Chief Conetable warmly congratulatee Detecti è Constable Cooper on the we11 deserved honour which His 1:!ajasty has conferrad upon him and he is eure that a11 members of the Force share hie admiration of the high courage ahown by this Constabla who eo worthily upheld the high traditione o£ the Cheehlre Constabulary. Chief Constable oP Cheehire.