Force Orders 1944_10 X TO BE CIECU ATEDTO ALL RANKS. 22nd Ju1v.Z944. NEPORTS. The ChiefConstabledirectsthat all reportswill be datedin the top right hand cornerunderneaththe aame of the Stationwherethe reportis made,and sigaed by the Constableat the end of the repart. All copiesof a reportwill be datedand slgnedand any remarksor submissions made by a seniorofficeroa the origlnalreportwill be made oc a11 copies,snd signedby the officersubmittingthe report. , The practiceof initiallingcopieeof reportsmust ceaseand all copiesmust be exact,copiesoY the orig3nalreport. _ TATEMFNTS. . . Instanceshave occurredwhere copiesof statecaitsnlmittedto the Chief Constabledo aot agree with the originalstatement1n a Constable's,aotebook. A11 copieeof statementsshouldbe read over and checkedwith the statementIn the pocketbook. . . Copiesof statementssubmittedto the ChiefConstableor Super3ntendentshould checkedover by SectioaalOfficersand any omissionsand spe111ngerrors oorrected. V• i 2 4 g-, Chief Coastable of Cheshire. The foot-aoteoa GeneralOrderNo.19/43shouldread-"The lastGeaeral Ordere.irculatedto all raakswasNo.31/42". GeneralOrderNo.19/43was thelastGeneralOrderissuedto all ziaziks. 1