Force Orders 1944_09 X f, 'TOBE CIRCDLATEDTO DIVISION L No. 9. AID STATIONOFFICES. 1st Ju1y,1944. • QUALIFYINGE% MINATIONFORPROMOTIONTO TIER NK . OF SERGEANT. . The followingconetableswhosenames appearhereunder1n alphabetical orderwere successfulin passlagthe qwlifying examinationfor promotionto the rank of Sergeantwhichwas held oa the.29thApril,1944. No. 6" G.H. Bletcher. No. 234 A.J. B1lzard: No. 617 A. Bnckley. No. 741 J.R. Barton. . No..252R.G. Gregory. No.755WJ. Hancock. Ni. 580B.C. Bough. No. 328 J.E. Lewis. No. 586D. McNally. No. 758 E. Middleton. No. 630 J. Muscroft. .. No. 322 G.E. Parker. In accordancewithRegulatioa31 of the Po11ceRegulations,1920, a recordof suchpassingwill be made in the recordao£ thoseconcerned. A11 othercandidateswho presentedthemselvesfalled1n this m1 Ation. An entryto this effect'dU ,bemade in theirrecords1a accordancewith the PoliceRegnlatlons.All thosewho fa.üedaxe ineligibleto sit for another promotioneTRroI"ntonfor twelvemonthsafterthe d te of this examination. The paperadone were good aad indicatethat all candidateshave benefitedfroa the Instructionwhichtheyhave received. Thos®"ho have passedthe examiaationmust aot re1ax theirefforts .tomaintainaad increaeethelrknowledge. C iefConstable.