Force Orders 1944_06 X TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO DIaISI NAL HEADQDARTERBAND STATIONOFFICES, / J - 1 NO. 6 27th.Apri1,1944. DENTALTREATMENT- SCAlE OF CHARGES. Referringto G®neralOrders296/1934ánd $1/1943,the StandingJo1nt Committ®eat a Meetingheld oa the 22 d.Apri1,1944approvedof the undermentioned consolidatedsoaleof feee. 1. Soallagand treatment o£ the gumeper iadivldual. 10/6d.bvt aot chargeableif fewerthan four naturalteethare to remaiain the mouthaftercompletionof the dental treatmeatspecifiedin the eetimate. Fillings,pe fi111ng. 10/6d.wlth a maxlmumohargeof 17/6d. gor fi111nga1n any oae tooth. Root treatment,per tooth. 12/6d.with a maxim a chargeoP £1. 6. 6. for fillingsand roottreatmeatin any one tooth. (a) Extractions. Oae tooth Two teeth Threeor four , F1ve or s3x Seveao elght lUne or tea " E vea or twelve 5 . Od. 7a. bd. 10 . Od. 12e. 6d. 15e.Od, £ .1 :$: Thlrteenor fourteea £1. 2a. 6d. Flfteeaor e teen £1. 5a. Od. Seventeenor - Eighteen £1. 7s. bd. Nineteenor more £1.10a.Od. (b)Admin3strationof geaeralanaesthetics:Yee per case in ooaneotionwith the extractionofs- Oae to fourteeth 7a. 6d. Five to eightteeth 10s.Od. . N1ae to thirteen 15s. Od. Fourteento eighteen £'1.Os. Od. Nlneteenor more £1. 5 . Od. Providedthat no Yea 3a excessof 10a. Od, shail be p ya lefor the adminlatrationof a geaeralanaeethetlo'allaia doctoror dentist(otherthan the dentistperformingthe extraotione)admiaistersthe aaaeathetla. Dentures:- One or two taeth£1. 2 . 6' Threeteeth£1.17e. tid. Four teeth£2. 2e. 6d. F1ve teeth£2. 7s. 5d. S1x teeth£2.12 . 6d. kevinteeth£2.17a. öd. Eightteeth£3. 2e. öd. Nine or more£3. 5s. Od. Maximum£ee for upperand lower deaturea •£6. 7a. 6d. Repalra.. tOe.Od. £or the firstltem and 5e. Od. for eaoh additionalitem 1n reepectof a dentureas apecifled,at (1), (2), (3)aad (4) be1owwith a maxlmumfor each dentureo£ 15a. Od., 1a respeat of itemsuader (1), (2) aad (4),and a maxlmumfor eaoh denture oP £1. 5e. Od., in reepeotof a11 ltemss- Repairof cracks,flssuresor fraatureeoY a denture. Replaoingof a looseaedtooth or looaeaedband or w1re. AddlagoP oae aew toothor one band or oae wire. Exteaeionof the p.tate,evenwhea that extension. embracespart oY a naturaltooth. DENTAL,TREATMENT- sCAlE OF ($9RGES (cont3nued) 7. Remakee. One or two teeth Three teeth Four teeth Five teeth s1x teeth Zeventeeth Eightteeth Niae or more Additionsper tooth Maximumper denture Providedthat,if the deatureis remad®w3thlaWaive monthsby the eame dentist,the fee shallbe half the approprlatef®® under item 5. . Crawning,per orc (inoludingany necessaryroot treatmeat£2. 2e. Od. 9. Emiaat on aad 5e. Od., chargeable1f the patlenthad six or more natural Report. teeth 1n the mouthat the time of examination, or doee not ret!noifor treatment,providedin eitheroase therehas not been withinthe twelvemonthspreoedlagtha evmimtion a previousexamin tionof the patientby the same dentist for w}iicha Pee for examinatioand reportwas payable.