Force Orders 1944_05 X DivisionalHead Quartere. To be circulatedto GENERAL ORDER. . Su. ' s. l2.'44. Date:-26thApri11944. No &/ 1•0 k ` Í . DEFENCE REGULATIONS. ReRUlat o 160. Controlof use of Aoade n connectionwithmilitarymovemente. Ia exerciseof the powereconferredon me by the aboveRegulatioa, the undermentionedOfficereof the CheehireConstabularyare herebyauthorisad by ma to act underthe eaidRègulatlonand to give such directioaefor coatrolling .the uee of roadsae appearto tham requieitefor the purpoeeoP securingin connect withmilitarymovementethe freepaesageof militaryend other eeeentialtrafficor o£ dealingwithabnormalroadtrafficconditionedue directly or lndirectlyto suchmovementsor to attackby the e emy. u CreweDivision. SuperintendentH. Boas. Inspector F. Turner. SuperintendentF. Powe11, Inspector . F. Fo1ey. SuperintendentF.J. Morrie. ChiefInepector;J.A.Taylor. I pector E. Hollina. Inepector J. Henderson. Inepector R.J. Tweed. Inspector H. Featheretone. SuperintendentJ. Bracegirdle. ChiefInepectorT. Parker. In pecto F. Fraser. Inepector H.J. Bentley. Head Quartera. BroxtonDivieion. AltrinchamDivision. NorthwichDivision. WirralDivieion. SuperintendentG.H. ChiefIn pector . In pector A. SuperiatendentM.M. ChiefInepectorS. Inepector . In pector J. In épector B. In pector J. Durnell. Harrie. Hughee. Thorbura. Powe11. Hunt. Paynter. Lindop, Gladetohe. DukinfieldDivieion. Superintendent Chief In pector Inspector I p®ctor I apecto MacclesfieldDlvieioa.Superintendeat ih6pëctarp , RuacoraDivielon. superintendent ChiefInepector Inepector A. Headereoa. Wakelin. C. Fryer. Thompeon. .A.H.F7lthey. W. P1eavla. J. Browa. A. Weatherby. T. Athron. J.G.Robison. , /,9fL/ - ChiefCoaetableoP Cheehire. L