Force Orders 1944_04 X . CHESHIRE CONSTABU'LA Te1 No. p{ilmslow.2215. The Ch1ef Constablé of C Chester. . ' 3upe iu t e deat 'e OHrice. .. - . . =.Wifmslow. Saturday.24th June 1944. ' t á cï"1YGd1:F C==BT BlE 1 yl 7 ,lUN ¶944 kervioeof kumoons. E ecutio of Warrante of Commitment. Geaeral D dé N .4. dated 24.4.1944. I beg to report that the above General Order togetherw th 8tandingOrder No.110(4) have boen read to a11 ranks oc the pay parades. in this Division during ?&y aad June 1944. I am,$ir, Your obed3e kuperintendexxt. . . L. — ..`-p--•--'< ' f +' Q' / . p1,G - lti ii TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL. No. 4. _. HEADQUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. 24thApri1,1944. SERVICE0F SUMMONS. EXECUTIONOF WABRANTS OF CO 1MITL7ENT. The Ch3efConstabledrawsthe attentioaof ai].membersof the Constabularyto the factthatsummonsescannotbe seved oa Sundaynor can warrantsof commitoentbe executedon thatday. ThisOrderwillbe readto all rankson thepay parades duringWay and Tune,1944'j. ohSetnandingOrder110 (4) shouldalso be read. v. . ChiefConstable of heshire.