Force Orders 1944_01 X GE ERAL.-ORDERN0.7 , 29th JanuarV. 194 4 . TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISI0NA7i AND STATIONOFFICES. • PRO OT ON S. The followingpromotionswi11takeplaceon Taesdaythe1st Febraary,1944. ChiefInspectorAlfredNeatherbyto be SuperintendentR,uncorti Division,at 2460per ainuun. InspectorJemesAlfredTay1orto be ChiefIn pector,Altdncham . Division, at £400 per annum, with seniod.ty from the 15th Februazy, 1942. No.1 4SergeantHarryHea1 to be Iaspectorat £325per un, and willtakeoverInspectorTay1or1sdutiesat Headquarters. No.399ConstableGeorgeSkittto be Sergeantat £5:0:0per week, and v ].1takeoverSergeantVeal'sdut3esas DlvisionalC1erk,Broxton Division. ' - C 2E CONSTABLE0F CAES IRE.