Force Orders 1943_32 X No.32. TO HE CIRCtiL TEDTO DTdISIOIdAL AND STATI N OFFICES. , The folloving message to a11 ranks of the Regular and Auxiliary Police Forces has been received £rom the Secretary of State:- • .T d . 20th.Dece ber,1943. Chief Constable. "It is again my pleasant duty to send a Christmas message to the police service of England a n d Wales. For our bwn country, for t he Nnited Nations aid for Europe the year has been momantous a n d our'feat a r e now fairly set the ro ad to victory. l9e sha11 celebrate this fifth Christm,as of the war with the hope that the coming year wi11 aae the dark shadow lifted from Europe, and that we and our childrenotaykeep our next Christmas in the se urity t hat comes from victury. But to this end we must a11 be ready during the coming r nths to contribute towards the supreme effbrt which will b e required o£ us. A11 of you have sharedthe h©avy burdens of this year o£ war; in spite o£ your reduced numbors you havi respondedreadilyto all the ca11s made upon you; you havo maintained and enhancedthe great tradition of your service. 2 am sure that during the coning year you wi11 £ace your tasks, whatever they may be, with the courage, coolness, cheerfulnessand resourcewhich are the hall-mark of that service,and so , play your part in making victory certain. I send to you a11, to your families and friends,to your colleagues serving in the Armed Forces at home and abroad,my sincarewish for a Happy Christmss ana a good New Year." (SIONÉD ) HERBERT ORRISO.TÍ. 0,27564/a3. December, 1943.