Force Orders 1943_30 X To be circulatedto Divisional and 5tatlonOfficee. GERAL ORDERNo.30. NEC 9th. December 1943. SCAI,BSOF PAY - 5UPERINTENDENTBAND CHIEFINSPECTOAS. • Cn the recommendationoP the 5tandingJointCommitteeat a meetiagheld on 23rd.October1943 the followingscaleaoY pay Yor 5uperintendenteaad Chief Iaspectorewere approvedby th® 5ecretaryof 5tatein a letterdated 24th. November1943 eubjectto existing5uperintendeateoY the Forcenot beingalloaed . to be prejudicedthereby:- Superiat®ndettte.£460 a year ris?zgby four aaaualincremeateof £20 to £540 a year. The Detective5uperiatendentaad the superintendente in chargeoP the ®].trincham,Wirraland Dukinfield Divieioaeafter reachingthe meximum( 2540a year ) of the ordinaryscaleproceedby threefurtheraaaual incrementsof £20 to a maximumof £600a year. The preeentTraffia5uperinteadeata the Superintendents1n charge6f the Crewe,Northwichand ,,.RuncornDivisionsreceive£550a yearand if appointed DetectiveSuperintendentor p]acedin chargeoY the Altrincham,W1rra1or DukinfieldDivisionsproceedby two additioaalincrementeof £25 to £600 a year. Ch1efInepectore. £400 a year rieingby four anaualincrementsof 0 to £440 a year. Theeeecaleawi11 come into operationYrom 1et.December'1943. Coneequenton the above the pay of the under-mentioaedsuperintendentsand Ch1efInepectorewi11 be ae followefrom 1et. December1943 a- Headquartera superintendentB. 0'Sullivan £520 pe `annum. Broxton SuperintendentF. Powe11 ' , $0 par annum. Maccleefleld SuperintendentFi.P1eavin 2540 par annum. Civi1Defence SuperintendentJ. A. Taylor £540 per aanum. Altrincham ChiefInepectorA. 1Yeatherby 2440 pe annum. Crewe ChiefInepectorT. Parker £410 per annum. Northwlch ChiefInepecto w. Narrie £410 per aanum. Wirral ChiefInepector5. Powe11 3420 per annum. Dukinfield . Ch1efInapectorG. Wakelin £410 per annum. Runcora ChiefInapactorJ. D. Kettle 2410 per annum. ChiefConetableo£ Cheehire.