Force Orders 1943_25 X 5e c.c s. iiw î,4 ,u, a $ P ' No. 433 daCc4 Ifk.44. To BE CIE$CULRTEDTO DLVIkIOW$.. NIMBER25. T'fi STATION.. FFICES. {_,?:.,_ ',_6th 5eptember,1943. 'N DETECTIONOF iiiOl - 2NFORtdATIONCIRCULARS. The attentionoP a11 ranksie drawnto GeneralOrder No. 47 of 1935 , whichdealewith the circulationof Crimaby Dai1yInformation. I have observadthat althoughthereis no deqreaeein Crime, therehas been considerabledecreaee the numbarof messages receivodYrom Divieionsfor circulation. Specialattentionwi11 ba paid to paragraph6 of the Ganeral. Order which outlinesthe time £or eendingmessages between2 pm and 3-30 pm each day and aleo to paragraph7 as to tha pr parationof messages before telephoning,particularlyae to whethera Warrant is in forca or not. Attentionis againcalledto paragraph9 of the Order (eeemy ' 10 am Conferenceof 5uperintendent.Minute367 oP 3rd March, 1943.)- Deecripti.ono£ persone'in cuetodyfor crimeshould immediatelyba passed to C.I.D.Headquar.terefor circulationae it is possible that their apprahensionie beingsoughtelaewhere. In additionto cancellationo£ messages sent to C.I.D.Headquarters, Superintendentswi11 be responsiblefor cancellingany messages they themselveshava telephonedto otherFordes for circulation. , ChiefConetableof Cheehire. Note. The footnotaon G.O. 19 of 1943 ehouldread -"The last GeneralO de circulatedto a11 rankswaa No. 3V42. GeneralO.r.dersNoe. 20, 22 and 24 of 1943were circulatedto Divisional Headquarterson1y. GeneralOrdersNo.e 21 and 23 of 1943were circulatadto Divisionaland statiotiOfficeeon1y.