Force Orders 1943_23 X To be ciroulatedto Divisionalk ktation Offioes, (copyto SuperintendeatMobile SpeolalConstabulazyand Chief Inspector(C.D.kpecialConstabukary). Sec cLro. M .,, w S T . 128I4 . N MBSR 23. Bth. Ju1y, 1943. SPECIAI CONSTABIILARYREPRESENTATICN. In order that there ehould be eome racognised procedureby which parttime Special Constablesmay bring to the notice of the Chief Constablegeneral matters affectingtheir welfare and efficiency;Superintendents1n chsrge of Divisionsw i11 meet a11 Special Constables (Mob11eand Foot) in each Section of their Division once a quarter. These me tingswith the Superintendentw i11 enable the rank and f i1e of the Special Constabu]aryto expreaa their opinlona on matters affectingtheir welEare and efficiency(otharthan questioae of diaciplineand pxromotionaffecting individuals)with the assurance that through their Superintendenttheir views wi11 be brought to the notice of the Chief Constable. SectionalSergeantswi11 bring the contenteof this General Order to the natice of every Special Constable in the3r 5ectioneand w311 make sure the General Order is noted by every Special Constablein the aame maimer as it is noted by members of the regular force. At the first quarterlymeeting Superi tendent wi11 satisfy themselvesthat a11 Speoial Constableshave been made aware of this General Order and have noted it. ChiefConstableof Cheshire. NOTE :- GeneralOrderNo. 22/43was issuedto DivisionalHeadquarterson1y. 1 v. • . , .. ,€• 1