Force Orders 1943_22 X • GENERALORDER. No.22/43. 29th Juae,1943. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONALHEADQUARTERSONLY. POLICEDOCS. Referringto GeneralOrderNo.77datedthe 11th November,1935, from 1st Ju1y 1943 the ChiefConetablehae eanctxonedjthepaymento? licenseduty aad the allowance of £5 per annum,payablequarterly,to the undermeotionedmemberoY the Force, ®ho ie in poeeeeeionof a dog whichhae beea inspectedby th® ChiefConstable and foundto Yu1f11the nec®eearyrequiremente:— CRE44EDIVISION. - No 315 ConstableV.Flnney, etatlonedat Shavington. a ChiefConetable.