Force Orders 1943_21 X f su aP o C. .2 ' oI44 To be circulatedto Divicdonal and station 0£fices. NO ffiER . 29THJUNE,1943. INSPECTIONOF UNDERTAKINGS. The ChiefConstableforwardsherewitha copyof Home Officeletter No. 826,821/44datedthe 19th June,1943,for the informationof all ranksand a copy of S.R.& O. No. 801 of 1943 to kuperintendents. The ChiefConetablehas appointedthe ChiefInspectorsand Inspectors namedat the end of this Orderto act as 2nspectorsunder Regulation55 AA of the Defence(General)Regulationsand a YYarrantauthorisingeachInspectorto act is forwardeoherewith. CHIEFCONSTABLE. Copy. HOMEOFFICE, WHITEH L, $ .W.1. 826,821/44 . 19th June, 1943. sir, . Inspectionof IIndertak nas. I am directedby the Secretaryof Stateto referto paragraph.2of the Ho!aeOfficeCircularof 10th June (]00,641/13(G.1)),dealingwith amendmentsof the DefenceRegulations,in whichattentionwas drawnto the new Regulation55 AA, empowering"designatedofficers"to authorisethe inspectionof undertakingsfor any of the purposesspecifiedin paragraph(2) of the Regulation. ' 2 The positionis that Ordersmade by the Ministerof Fue1 and Powerunder Regulation55 containedspecificprovisionsconferringupon "a y Constable"or any personaui±orisedby the Ministeror a ChiefOf£icerof Policein thatbehalf, powerof entryand inspectionof premisesfor the purposeof seeingwhetherthe Order waa compliedwith;but theseprovisionshave now been formallyrevokedby the ' Fuel (Inspection)Order,1943+,whichcame into operationon 14th June.Copiesof th Order are enclosed. . The resultis that thosepowersof entryand insyectionwhichwere given by the Ordersceasedto have effectfxrom14th June.Instead,the Ministero€ Fue1 and Powerhas now appointed"deaignatedofficers",amongwhom are 3ncludedChief Officers,of Police,and officersso designatedare empoweredto issuewarrantsto apec fie personsauthorisingthem to enterand carryout the inspectionof any underteking,or any undertakingof the classor description,specifiedtherein.It is to be notedthat thisparticularpowerof entryand inspectionis limitedto "undertakinga",whichare definedin paragraph(6) of the Regulationas "any publ cutilityundertak3ngor any undertakingby way of trade business".Other powerswhichthe Policemay possesato searohpremises,e.g.undera searchwarrant or other specificprovisions,are not, of course,aff cted.A copyof the Minister's appo&ntanentof Chie£Officereo£ Policeto be"designatedofficers"is enelosed herewith. ' . 4 In so far, therefore,as it is necessary futurefor a policeofficer .to exercisepowersof entryand inspectionwhichhe has hithertoexercisedin pursuanceof the provisionsreferredto in paragraph.2above,he must now be ' authorisedto do so, so far aa "undertakings"are concerned,by a warrantissuedto him by the ChiefOfficerof Police.For your information,t_hereis encloseda form , o£ war*vntwhichis to be issuedto Inspectorsappointedby the Ministryof Fue1 and Power,but it is anticipatedthat for th use of PoliceOfficerea more limited £ormof warrantwi11 generallysuffice./Moreover,it is not intendedthatimdér the new procedurePoliceOfficersshouldundertakemore extendeddutiesby way of entry' and lnspectionthan has hithertobeen the practice,and the Secretaryof State sa estsfor consideationthat it . aybe foundsufficiento issuewarrantsfor the ` + . & O. 1943 No. 01. For instance,it seemsunlikelythat they wi11have occasionto carryout tests, exceptin relat onto motar fuels. NDMBEH21 CONTINUED. inspectionof µa t cula undertakings,as occasionrequires,or that in £orceswhere the enforcementof fuel rationingordersis allocatedto particularofficers,the issueo£ warrants houldbe confinedto thoseofficers. 5 It is to be ttotedthatumder Article(j) of the 1 e1(Inspection)Order referredto in paragraph2 above,any personin poseasion of any fuel is requiredto supplyon de àndto any 'Inspector"(i.e.a personauthorisedby warrant)samples thereoffor the purposeof enablinghim to ascertainwhethertherehas been compliancewith any of the Ordersspecifiedin the kchedula. I am, 5ir, Your obedientServant, (Sgd.)C.D.C.Robinson. CHIEFINStECTOR,SAND.INSPECTORSAP'r02NTED. ChiefInspectorAlfredWeatherby InspectorJohn Henderson itSamuelPo e " John GloverRobison o it William Harris " Cyri1 Fiaer " " GeorgeWakelia " John Paynter " " ThomasParker " HarryFeatherstone " " John DanielRettle " AlfredCo11ey In pector Jamee AlfredTaylor " HenryThompson " Fredk.JamesPapworth " John Ennion " Bernard Lindop " PercyGeorgeWilkes " FredFraser " ThomasRogers " Tom Athro . ° Frank H-wit " Jack Potter " Ernestftollins " John Gladstone " ThomasDavies " John RowlandCrosby " ArthurHenryWithey " HoratioJohn Bentley " FrederickTurner " John Brown " FrankFoley AlfredHughes. .. NOTE:G.0..20/43was issuedto DivisionalHeadquartersoiily.